Georgia Code, Title 49, Chapter 2, Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 49-2-1 - Department Created; Transfer of Powers, Functions, and Duties of Department of Human Resources to Department of Human Services; Creation, Appointment, Removal, and Duties of Commissioner
(a) There is created a Department of Human Services. The powers, functions, and duties of the Department of Human Resources as they existed on...
- § 49-2-2 - Board Created; Qualifications and Appointment of Members; Terms of Office; Vacancies; Removal; Per Diem and Expenses
(a) There is created a Board of Human Services, as of July 1, 2009, which shall establish the general policy to be followed by...
- § 49-2-2.1 - Department of Human Services Becomes Successor-In-interest to All Rights, Duties, and Obligations of Former Department of Human Resources
(a) The Department of Human Services shall succeed to all rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and administrative orders of the Department of Human Resources that...
- § 49-2-3 - Functions Transferred to the Board From Other Boards and Commissions
(a) The policy-making functions of the State Board for Children and Youth, contained in Ga. L. 1963, p. 81, are vested in the Board...
- § 49-2-4 - Creation of Divisions; Allocation of Functions
There shall be created in the department such divisions as may be found necessary for its effective operation. The commissioner shall have the power...
- § 49-2-5 - Department is Institution of State; Power to Receive and Disburse State, County, and Federal Funds
The department is declared to be an institution of the state for which the powers of taxation over the whole state may be exercised,...
- § 49-2-6 - Duties and Powers of Department
(a) The department shall administer or supervise all county departments of the state as provided in Chapter 3 of this title.(b) The department shall:...
- § 49-2-7 - Functions, Duties, and Authority Transferred to the Department From Other State Agencies
(a) The functions, duties, and authority of the Board of Public Welfare, established by Ga. L. 1919, p. 222, as amended, as transferred and...
- § 49-2-8 - Approval of Physicians Employed by Department
Reserved. Repealed by Ga. L. 2009, p. 453, § 2-1/HB 228, effective July 1, 2009.
- § 49-2-9 - Powers of Department in Administering and Disbursing Funds
In administering any funds appropriated or made available to the department for welfare purposes, the department shall have the power: (1) To make use...
- § 49-2-10 - State Appropriations; State, County, and Federal Welfare Funds are for Public Purpose
For the purpose of carrying out the duties and obligations of the department for performance of welfare services of the state, for administrative costs,...
- § 49-2-11 - Acceptance and Disbursement of Federal Aid; Compliance With Conditions; Use of Appropriations for Matching Funds
(a) Notwithstanding any provision in this title to the contrary, particularly Articles 2, 3, and 5 of Chapter 4 of this title, nothing therein...
- § 49-2-12 - Development and Revision of Transportation Plan for Programs of Department
(a) All divisions and sections within the department shall make an inventory of all the various vehicles to which the department holds title and...
- § 49-2-13 - Identifying Transportation Needs of the Elderly and Persons With Disabilities and Alternatives to Meet Needs
All divisions and sections within the department, in cooperation with the Department of Transportation, shall identify those areas of the state where the general...
- § 49-2-13.1 - Financial Assistance for Transportation Services for the Elderly and Persons With Disabilities
(a) The department may, when funds are available from the United States government for such purposes, provide financial assistance with such funds, or such...
- § 49-2-14 - Record Search for Conviction Data on Prospective Employees
(a) As used in this Code section, the term "conviction data" means a record of a finding or verdict of guilty or a plea...
- § 49-2-14.1 - Definitions; Records Check Requirement for Licensing Certain Facilities
(a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) "Conviction" means a finding or verdict of guilty or a plea of guilty regardless...
- § 49-2-15 - Service of Notice Against Department
When any action is brought against the Department of Human Services, the Board of Human Services, the commissioner of human services, or any employee...
- § 49-2-16 - Council for Welfare Administration
Reserved Repealed by Ga. L. 2015, p. 552, § 12/SB 138, effective July 1, 2015.
- § 49-2-17 - Disciplinary Actions Against Licensees or License Applicants for Certain Violations
(a) This Code section shall be applicable to any agency, facility, institution, or entity subject to regulation by the department under Chapter 5 of...
- § 49-2-18 - Director of Division of Family and Children Services; Appointment; Qualifications
(a) The Governor shall appoint the director of the Division of Family and Children Services of the department who shall serve at the pleasure...
- § 49-2-19 - Dfcs State Advisory Board; Membership; Duties; Officers and Committees
(a) There is established the DFCS State Advisory Board which shall consist of 20 members appointed by the Governor as follows: (1) One representative...
Last modified: October 14, 2016