Georgia Code § 50-34-8 - Obligations Not Subject to the

(a) The offer, sale, or issuance of bonds, notes, or other obligations by the authority shall not be subject to regulation under Chapter 5 of Title 10, the "Georgia Uniform Securities Act of 2008." No notice, proceeding, or publication except those required in this chapter is necessary to the performance of any act authorized in this chapter; nor is any such act subject to referendum.

(b) The authority shall fix such rates, fees, and charges for loans and for use of its services and facilities as is sufficient in the aggregate (when added to any other grants or funds available to the authority) to provide funds for the payment of the interest on and principal of all bonds payable from said revenues and to meet all other encumbrances upon such revenues as provided by any agreement executed by the authority in connection with the exercise of its powers under this chapter and for the payment of all operating costs and expenses which shall be incurred by the authority, including provisions for appropriate reserves, except for funds appropriated to the State of Georgia Guaranteed Revenue Debt Common Reserve Fund with respect to any bonds issued by the authority as guaranteed revenue debt; provided, however, that such costs and expenses shall include any reimbursement to the State of Georgia Guaranteed Revenue Debt Common Reserve Fund because of any payments made from such fund for any guaranteed revenue debt issued by the authority.

(c) The use and disposition of the authority's revenue is subject to the provisions of the resolutions authorizing the issuance of any bonds payable therefrom or of the trust agreement or indenture, if any, securing the same. The authority may designate any of its bonds as general obligations or may limit the source of repayment pursuant to the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds.

(d) The making of any loan commitment or loan, and the issuance, in anticipation of the collection of the revenues from such loan or loans, of bonds to provide funds therefor, may be authorized under this chapter by resolution of the authority. Unless otherwise provided therein, such resolution shall take effect immediately and need not be published or posted. The authority, in determining the amount of such bonds, may include all costs and estimated costs of the issuance of the bonds; all fiscal, legal, and trustee expenses; and all costs of the project. Such bonds may also be issued to pay off, refund, or refinance any outstanding bonds or other obligations of any nature, whether or not such bonds or other obligations are then subject to redemption; and the authority may provide for such arrangements as it may determine for the payment and security of the bonds being issued or for the payment and security of the bonds or other obligations to be paid off, refunded, or refinanced.

(e) Bonds may be issued under this chapter in one or more series; may bear such date or dates; may mature at such time or times, not exceeding 40 years from their respective dates; may bear interest at such rate or rates, payable at such time or times; may be payable in such medium of payment at such place or places; may be in such denomination or denominations; may be in such form, either coupon or registered or book entry; may be issued in such specific amounts; may carry such registration, conversion, and exchangeability privileges; may be declared or become due before the maturity date thereof; may provide such call or redemption privileges; may have such rank or priority; may be the subject of a put or agreement to repurchase by the authority or others; may be resold by the authority, once acquired, without the acquisition being considered the extinguishment of the bonds; may be issued for a project or for more than one project, whether or not such project is identified at the time of bond issuance; and may contain such other terms, covenants, assignments, and conditions as the bond resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds or any indenture or trust agreement may provide. The authority may sell such bonds in such manner, at such price or prices, and on such terms and conditions as the authority determines.

(f) The bonds must be signed by the chair or vice chair of the authority; the corporate seal of the authority must be impressed, imprinted, or otherwise reproduced on the bonds; and the bonds must be attested by the signature of the secretary or assistant secretary of the authority. The signatures of the officers of the authority and the seal of the authority on any bond issued by the authority may be facsimile if the instrument is authenticated or countersigned by a trustee other than the authority itself or an officer or employee of the authority. All bonds issued under authority of this chapter bearing signatures or facsimiles of signatures of officers of the authority in office on the date of the signing thereof are valid and binding, notwithstanding that before the delivery thereof and payment therefor such officers whose signatures appear thereon have ceased to be officers of the authority. Pending the preparation of the definitive bonds, interim certificates, in such form and with such provisions as the authority may determine, may be issued to the purchasers of bonds to be issued under this chapter.

(g) The provisions of this chapter and of any bond resolution, indenture, or trust agreement entered into pursuant to this chapter are a contract with every holder of the bonds; and the duties of the authority under this chapter and under any such bond resolution, indenture, or trust agreement are enforceable by any bondholder by mandamus or other appropriate action or proceeding at law or in equity.

(h) The authority may provide for the replacement of any bond which becomes mutilated, lost, or destroyed in the manner provided by the resolution, indenture, or trust agreement. (i)(1) The authority shall not have outstanding at any one time bonds and notes for financing of enterprises exceeding $1 billion; provided, however, that such limitations shall not apply with respect to bonds and notes issued to refund outstanding bonds and notes.

(2) Any limitation with respect to interest rates or any maximum interest rate or rates found in Article 3 of Chapter 82 of Title 36, the "Revenue Bond Law"; the usury laws of this state; or any other laws of this state do not apply to bonds of the authority.

(j) All bonds issued by the authority under this chapter shall be issued and shall be validated by the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, under and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Code Sections 36-82-73 through 36-82-83, which comprise a portion of the "Revenue Bond Law," as now or hereafter in effect, except as provided in this chapter. Notes and other obligations of the authority may be, but are not required to be, so validated.

(k) All bonds must bear a certificate of validation signed by the clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia. Such signature may be made on the certificate of validation of such bonds by facsimile or by manual execution, stating the date on which such bonds were validated; and such entry is original evidence of the fact of judgment and shall be received as original evidence in any court in this state.

(l) The authority shall reimburse the district attorney for his or her actual costs, if any, associated with the bond validation proceedings. The fees payable to the clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton County for validation and confirmation shall be as follows for each bond, regardless of the denomination of such bond: $1.00 for each bond for the first 100 bonds; 25 cent(s) for each of the next 400 bonds; and 10 cent(s) for each bond over 500.

(m) In lieu of specifying the rate or rates of interest which bonds to be issued by the authority are to bear, the notice to the district attorney or the Attorney General; the notice to the public of the time, place, and date of the validation hearing; and the petition and complaint for validation may state that the bonds when issued will bear interest at a rate not exceeding a maximum per annum rate of interest (which may be fixed or may fluctuate or otherwise change from time to time) specified in such notices and the petition and complaint or may state that, if the bonds are to bear different rates of interest for different maturity dates, none of such rates will exceed the maximum rate (which may be fixed or may fluctuate or otherwise change from time to time) so specified; provided, however, that nothing in this Code section shall be construed as prohibiting or restricting the right of the authority to sell such bonds at a discount, even if in doing so the effective interest cost resulting therefrom would exceed the maximum per annum interest rate specified in such notices and in the petition and complaint.

(n) Prior to issuance, all bonds shall be subject to the approval of the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission.

(o) Any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, this chapter shall govern all civil claims, proceedings, and actions respecting debt of the authority evidenced by bonds.

(p) Notwithstanding any contrary provision in this chapter, any bonds, revenue bonds, or securities of any kind issued under this chapter may only be secured by obligation of a business, enterprise, or proceeds paid to the State of Georgia pursuant to funds received by the state pursuant to the settlement of the lawsuit filed by the state against certain tobacco companies (State of Georgia, et al. v. Philip Morris, Inc., et al., Civil Action #E-61692, V19/246 (Fulton Superior Court, 19 December 9, 1998)).

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Last modified: October 14, 2016