[§171-8.5 Kokee state park advisory council.] (a) There is established a Kokee state park advisory council, to be placed within the department of land and natural resources for administrative purposes only. The advisory council shall consist of nine voting members appointed in equal numbers by the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate in accordance with section 26-34, and four ex-officio nonvoting members.
(b) The voting members of the advisory council shall be Kauai residents and shall possess general knowledge of at least one of the four strategic areas listed below:
(1) Education;
(2) Cultural resources;
(3) The environment; or
(4) Native plants, animals, and ecosystems.
(c) The ex-officio nonvoting members shall be as follows:
(1) A representative of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service;
(2) A representative of the department of land and natural resources forestry and wildlife division, as designated by the chairperson of the board of land and natural resources;
(3) A representative of the department of land and natural resources state parks division, as designated by the chairperson of the board of land and natural resources; and
(4) A representative of the county of Kauai, as designated by the Kauai county council.
(d) The voting members of the advisory council shall serve not more than two consecutive three-year terms, with each term beginning on July 1; provided that the initial terms of the appointed members that commence after June 30, 2008, shall be staggered as follows:
(1) Three members to serve three-year terms;
(2) Three members to serve two-year terms; and
(3) Three members to serve a one-year term.
For the initial appointments, the governor, the president of the senate, and the speaker of the house of representatives shall designate each of their appointees to serve a one, two, or three-year term.
(e) The members of the advisory council shall not receive compensation for their services but shall be reimbursed for expenses, including travel expenses, incurred in their duties relating to the council.
(f) A chairperson shall be elected annually by the advisory council from among the council's voting members; provided that no member may serve as chairperson for more than two consecutive years.
(g) Five voting members of the advisory council shall constitute a quorum to do business and any action taken by the advisory council shall be validated by a simple majority of the quorum.
(h) The advisory council's responsibilities shall include:
(1) Reviewing and assisting in updating and revising the Kokee state park master plan;
(2) Advising and assisting in the management of the Kokee recreational cabin leases;
(3) Enhancing community education and cultural awareness of Kokee state park;
(4) Participating in the protection and preservation of Kokee state park's natural and cultural resources; and
(5) Advising and assisting in the overall implementation of the Kokee state park master plan. [L 2008, c 223, §3]
Section: Previous 171-4.5 171-5 171-6 171-6.4 171-6.5 171-7 171-8 171-8.5 171-8.6 171-9 171-10 171-11 171-12 171-13 171-14 NextLast modified: October 27, 2016