Hawaii Revised Statutes 172. Land Commission Awards; Surveys
- 172-1 Department to List Lands on Which Commutation Payable; Public Notice; Notice to Pay.
The department of land and natural resources shall prepare a list of all lands on which commutation to extinguish the government's right therein is...
- 172-2 Department to Appraise Lands; Determine Commutation; Interest; Lien.
The department of land and natural resources shall cause to be appraised each piece of property upon which commutation shall then be due. The...
- 172-3 Enforcement of Payment.
The attorney general shall proceed at any time after the determination of the commutation due as hereinbefore provided, to enforce payment of the same...
- 172-4 General Default.
If no person appears and answers within the time allowed, the judge may at once upon motion of the State order a general default...
- 172-5 Hearing, Foreclosure.
If in any case, an appearance is entered and answer filed, the cause shall be set down for hearing on the motion of either...
- 172-6 Proof.
The award by the board of commissioners to quiet land titles, together with a certificate by the department of land and natural resources of...
- 172-7 Unsurveyed Lands; Listing by Comptroller.
The comptroller shall prepare a list of all ahupuaas, iliainas, and leles within the State (including those owned by the government), on which there...
- 172-8 Notice to Owners to Have Boundaries Determined.
Upon the completion of a list, the comptroller shall give public notice thereof throughout the State at least once each week for four successive...
- 172-9 Upon Failure of Owners, Comptroller to Have Boundaries Determined At Owner's Expense.
The comptroller shall list all lands which have not had their boundaries determined in compliance with the requirements of section 172-8, and shall proceed...
- 172-10 Enforcement of Payment of Expenses by Owners.
The attorney general shall proceed, at any time after the determination of the sum due as hereinbefore provided, to enforce payment of the same...
- 172-11 Land Patents on Land Commission Awards; to Whom, for Whose Benefit.
Every land patent issued upon an award of the board of commissioners to quiet land titles, shall be in the name of the person...
- 172-12 Land Patents Issued After Boundary and Commutation Settled.
Upon presentation to the department of land and natural resources of a certificate of a commissioner of boundaries defining the boundaries of a portion...
- 172-13 Destruction, Defacing or Removal of Survey Monuments; Penalty.]
It shall be unlawful, without the written consent of the state comptroller, for any person to destroy, deface, change, or remove to another place,...
Last modified: October 27, 2016