Hawaii Revised Statutes 196. Energy Resources
- 196-1 Findings and Declaration of Necessity.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. §196-1 Findings and...
- 196-1.5 Priority Permitting Process for Renewable Energy Projects.]
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. [§196-1.5 Priority permitting...
- 196-2 Definitions.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. §196-2 Definitions. As...
- 196-3 Energy Resources Coordinator.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. §196-3 Energy resources...
- 196-4 Powers and Duties.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. §196-4 Powers and...
- 196-5 Gas Appliances With Pilot Light Prohibited; Exemptions.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. [§196-5] Gas appliances...
- 196-6 Energy Efficient Storage Hot Water Heaters.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. §196-6 Energy efficient...
- 196-6.5 Solar Water Heater System Required for New Single-Family Residential Construction.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. §196-6.5 Solar water...
- 196-7 Placement of Solar Energy Devices.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. §196-7 Placement of...
- 196-7.5 Placement of Electric Vehicle Charging System.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. [§196-7.5] Placement of...
- 196-8 Repealed.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. §196-8 REPEALED. L...
- 196-8.5 Placement of Clotheslines.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. [§196-8.5] Placement of...
- 196-9 Energy Efficiency and Environmental Standards for State Facilities, Motor Vehicles, and Transportation Fuel.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. [§196-9] Energy efficiency...
- 196-10 Hawaii Renewable Hydrogen Program.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. [§196-10] Hawaii renewable...
- 196-10.5 Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Program.
Photovoltaic rebate program (repealed June 30, 2013). L 2008, c 151. Cross References Renewable energy facility siting process, see chapter 201N. [§196-10.5] Hawaii clean...
- 196-11 Definitions.
As used in this part: "Acquisition" means acquiring by contract supplies or services, including construction, by and for the use of the State through...
- 196-12 to 17 Repealed.
L 2006, c 96, §§15 to 20.
- 196-18 Repealed.
L 2008, c 25, §1.
- 196-19 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis.
Agencies shall use life-cycle cost analysis in making decisions about their investments in products, services, construction, and other projects to lower the State's costs...
- 196-20 Repealed.
L 2006, c 96, §21.
- 196-21 Financing Mechanisms.
(a) Agencies shall maximize their use of available alternative financing contracting mechanisms, including energy-savings contracts, when life-cycle cost-effective, to reduce energy use and cost...
- 196-22 State Energy Projects.
State energy projects may be implemented under this chapter with the approval of the comptroller and the director of finance or their designees. In addition,...
- 196-23 Energy Efficient Products.
(a) Agencies shall select, when life-cycle cost-effective, ENERGY STAR and other energy efficient products when acquiring energy-using products. For product groups where ENERGY STAR...
- 196-24 to 29 Repealed.
L 2006, c 96, §§22 to 27.
- 196-30 Public Buildings; Benchmarks; Retro-Commissioning Guidelines; Energy Savings Performance Contracts.
(a) By December 31, 2010, each state department with responsibilities for the design and construction of public buildings and facilities shall benchmark every existing public...
- 196-61 Definitions.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-61] Definitions. As used in this part: "Authority" means...
- 196-62 Hawaii Green Infrastructure Loan Program.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-62] Hawaii green infrastructure loan program. There is established...
- 196-63 Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-63] Hawaii green infrastructure authority. There is established the...
- 196-64 Functions, Powers, and Duties of the Authority.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-64] Functions, powers, and duties of the authority. (a)...
- 196-65 Hawaii Green Infrastructure Special Fund.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-65] Hawaii green infrastructure special fund. (a) There is...
- 196-66 Use of Hawaii Green Infrastructure Special Fund; Application.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-66] Use of Hawaii green infrastructure special fund; application....
- 196-67 Hawaii Green Infrastructure Bond Fund.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-67] Hawaii green infrastructure bond fund. (a) There is...
- 196-68 Compliance With Revenue Bond Law.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-68] Compliance with revenue bond law. For purposes of...
- 196-69 Reporting; Annual Report.
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-69] Reporting; annual report. The authority shall submit a...
- 196-70 Severability
2015 green infrastructure loan program study (report to 2016 legislature). L 2013, c 211, §10. [§196-70] Severability. If any provision of this part is...
Last modified: October 27, 2016