Hawaii Revised Statutes 263. Uniform Aeronautics Act (Modified)
- 263-1 Definition of Terms.
In this chapter, "aircraft" includes balloon, airplane, hydroplane, and every other vehicle used for navigation through the air. A hydroplane, while at rest on...
- 263-2 Sovereignty in Space.
Sovereignty in the space above the lands and waters of the State is declared to rest in the State, except where granted to and...
- 263-3 Ownership of Space.
The ownership of the space above the lands and waters of the State is declared to be vested in the several owners of the...
- 263-4 Lawfulness of Flight.
Flight in aircraft over the lands and waters of the State is lawful, unless at such a low altitude as to interfere with the...
- 263-5 Damage on Land.
The owner of every aircraft which is operated over the lands or waters of the State is presumed liable, except the owner of every...
- 263-6 Collision of Aircraft.
The liability of the owner of one aircraft to the owner of another aircraft, or to aeronauts or passengers on either aircraft, for damage...
- 263-7 Jurisdiction Over Crimes and Torts.
All crimes, torts, and other wrongs committed by or against an aeronaut or passenger while in flight over the State shall be governed by...
- 263-8 Jurisdiction Over Contracts.
All contractual and other legal relations entered into by aeronauts or passengers while in flight over the State shall have the same effect as...
- 263-9 Dangerous Flying a Misdemeanor; Penalty.
Any aeronaut or passenger who, while in flight over a thickly inhabited area or over a public gathering within the State, engages in trick...
- 263-10 Hunting From Aircraft; Penalty.
Any aeronaut or passenger who, while in flight in, across or above the State, intentionally kills or attempts to kill any birds or animals...
- 263-11 Reckless Operation of Aircraft a Misdemeanor.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate an aircraft in the air, or on the ground or water, while under the influence...
Last modified: October 27, 2016