367-1 Findings and Purpose.
The legislature finds that the work of the state commission on the status of women, established by the governor by executive order on May...
367-2.3 Compensation.
The members shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their necessary expenses in attending meetings of the commission and in the discharge...
367-2.5 Executive Director.
The commission shall appoint an executive director for the proper administration and enforcement of this chapter without regard to chapter 76. [L 1984, c...
367-3 Powers and Duties of Commission.
The commission shall: (1) Act as a central clearinghouse and coordinating body for governmental and nongovernmental activities and information relating to the status of...
Affirmative consent task force to review University of Hawaii's executive policy on sexual harassment, sexual assault, etc.; report to 2016-2017 legislature (ceases to exist on June 30, 2017). L 2015, c 222.