Hawaii Revised Statutes 428-811 Reinstatement Following Administrative Termination.

§428-811 Reinstatement following administrative termination. (a) A limited liability company administratively terminated under section 428-810 may apply to the director for reinstatement within two years after the effective date of termination. The application shall:

(1) Recite the name of the limited liability company and the effective date of its administrative termination;

(2) Contain all reports due and unfiled;

(3) Contain the payment of all delinquent fees and penalties; and

(4) Contain a certificate or other writing from the director of taxation reciting that all taxes owed by the company have been paid, a payment arrangement has been entered into, or the unpaid tax liabilities are being contested in an administrative or judicial appeal with the department of taxation.

(b) Within the applicable reinstatement period, should the name of the limited liability company or a name substantially identical thereto be registered or reserved by another corporation, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership, or should the name or a name substantially identical thereto be registered as a trade name, trademark, or service mark, then reinstatement shall be allowed only upon the registration of a new name by the administratively terminated company pursuant to the amendment provisions of this chapter.

(c) When the reinstatement is effective, it relates back to and takes effect as of the effective date of the administrative termination and the limited liability company resumes carrying on its business as if the administrative termination had never occurred. [L 1996, c 92, pt of §1; am L 1999, c 164, §10; am L 2006, c 184, §34 and c 235, §21; am L 2012, c 58, §21]

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Last modified: October 27, 2016