Hawaii Revised Statutes 502-63 Not Recorded Unless Initialed.


Sections 502-61 to 502-64 designated as Part VI and part heading amended by L 2009, c 102, §2(7).

§502-63 Not recorded unless initialed. No instrument acknowledged in the State of Hawaii in which there are interlineations, erasures, or changes shall be recorded by the registrar, unless the same are duly initialed by the officer or officers taking the acknowledgment or acknowledgments to the same in the State of Hawaii.

No instrument acknowledged outside of the State of Hawaii in which there are interlineations, erasures, or changes shall be recorded by the registrar, unless the same are duly initialed by either:

(1) The parties to such instrument; or

(2) The officer or officers taking the acknowledgment or acknowledgments to the same. [L 1896, c 55, §3; RL 1925, §3162; RL 1935, §5148; RL 1945, §12748; RL 1955, §343-41; am L 1963, c 83, §5; HRS §502-63; am L 1992, c 197, §12]

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Last modified: October 27, 2016