Hawaii Revised Statutes 844d-21 Collection of Specimens, Samples, and Print Impressions At Correctional Facility or Other Detention Facility.

[§844D-21] Collection of specimens, samples, and print impressions at correctional facility or other detention facility. (a) When the specimens, samples, or print impressions required by this chapter are collected at a correctional facility or other detention facility, including private correctional facilities, the chief administrative officer of the correctional facility or other detention facility shall be responsible for ensuring that:

(1) The requisite specimens, samples, or print impressions are collected from qualifying offenders during the intake process at that facility or reasonably promptly thereafter; or

(2) The requisite specimens, samples, or print impressions are collected as soon as administratively practicable after a qualifying offender reports to the facility for the purpose of providing specimens, samples, and print impressions; and

(3) The specimens, samples, or print impressions collected pursuant to this chapter are forwarded immediately to the department and in compliance with this chapter.

(b) The specimens, samples, or print impressions required by this section shall be collected by a person using a collection kit approved by the department and in accordance with the requirements and procedures set forth in section 844D-62. [L 2005, c 112, pt of §1]

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Last modified: October 27, 2016