(110 ILCS 30/5) (from Ch. 144, par. 16a)
Sec. 5. The affairs of such corporation shall be managed by a board of directors, who may be designated either as directors, managers or trustees. The directors may reside either within or without this state and be either members or non-members of the corporation, and shall have such other qualifications and be elected or appointed in manner and for terms not exceeding three (3) years, and their elections or appointments shall be subject to nominations, approvals, or confirmations, all as the articles of incorporation may prescribe. In any case where the directors shall compose the members of such corporation and the articles of incorporation so provide, the said board of directors by the vote of two-thirds of the members thereof may by resolution create and provide for the election or appointment, either from its own membership or otherwise, of a committee or local board of managers for such educational institution having not less than three (3) members and to be known and designated as may be provided in such resolution, which said committee or board, to the extent and under the limitations and subject to the conditions prescribed in such resolution, shall thereupon become vested with and have and exercise the authority of such board in the management of such institution, its property and affairs including, without limiting the foregoing, power, in the name of the corporation through proper officers of such committee or board of managers, to sell, convey, transfer, assign, mortgage, pledge or otherwise deal in or dispose of any real or personal property given or donated, or in accordance with or pursuant to the resolution of said board of directors set apart or acquired or held, for the use or benefit of such institution or its education activities, and all acts of such committee or local board of managers done under and within the scope of the authority so in it vested shall be binding upon said corporation. Except as in this Act elsewhere or otherwise provided, or as may be inconsistent with the provisions hereof, all provisions and requirements of "An Act to revise the law relating to corporations not for pecuniary profit", approved July 17, 1943, exclusive of Sections 3 and 4 and Sections 67 and 85 inclusive thereof, shall apply to and govern corporations organized under the authority of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1949, p. 1613.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015