(110 ILCS 305/10) (from Ch. 144, par. 31)
Sec. 10. The faculty of the University shall consist of the chief instructors in each of the several departments. The trustees, on recommendation of a majority of the faculty, may authorize the regent of the University to issue certificates of scholarship under the seal of the University, to any student of good moral character, who shall have been in attendance not less than one year, and shall have completed satisfactorily the studies of the year; which certificate shall set forth the precise attainments as ascertained by special examinations in the several branches of learning studied by such student during his attendance in the University; and on like recommendation of the faculty, the trustees may authorize the regent, as president of the University, to issue diplomas to such persons as shall have completed satisfactorily the required studies, and sustained the examinations therein, conferring such literary and scientific degrees as are usually conferred by universities for similar or equivalent courses of studies, or such as the trustees may deem appropriate. All certificates and diplomas shall be in the English language, unless the student entitled to the same shall otherwise prefer.
(Source: Laws 1877, p. 216.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015