(110 ILCS 50/3) (from Ch. 144, par. 4)
Sec. 3. The trustees, directors or managers shall have control and management of the affairs and property of the corporation, and may appoint and fix the salaries of the president or principal, professors, tutors, teachers and such other officers and agents as they may deem necessary, and remove them at pleasure; and may prescribe the course of study to be observed in the institution, or any department thereof, and may grant literary honors and degrees pursuant to "An Act to regulate the granting of academic degrees, diplomas and certificates by certain educational institutions, to provide penalties for the violation thereof and to make an appropriation therefor", approved August 14, 1961, as heretofore and hereafter amended.
(Source: Laws 1963, p. 3485.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015