Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 665 Eastern Illinois University Law. Section 10-40

    (110 ILCS 665/10-40)

    Sec. 10-40. Contracts, conveyances, expenditures. The Board shall have power to enter into contracts and to sue and be sued, provided that any suit against the Board based upon a claim sounding in tort must be filed in the Court of Claims; to acquire by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise, and to hold and convey title to real property as it shall deem appropriate and personal property in accordance with the State Property Control Act, except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of Section 10-45 of this Law; and to expend the funds appropriated to or lawfully belonging to the Eastern Illinois University, provided that the Board in the exercise of the powers conferred by this Article shall not create any liability or indebtedness of funds from the State Treasury in excess of the funds appropriated to Eastern Illinois University.

    All real property acquired by the Board shall be held for the People of the State of Illinois, for the use of Eastern Illinois University.

    Any lease to the Board of lands, buildings or facilities which will support scientific research and development in such areas as high technology, super computing, microelectronics, biotechnology, robotics, physics and engineering shall be for a term not to exceed 18 years, and may grant to the Board the option to purchase the lands, buildings or facilities. The lease shall recite that it is subject to termination and cancellation in any year for which the General Assembly fails to make an appropriation to pay the rent payable under the terms of the lease.

    Leases for the purposes described herein exceeding 5 years shall have the approval of the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

    The Board's power to enter into contracts includes but is not limited to the power to enter into contracts with municipalities within which the University or any branch thereof is located, in whole or in part, for such municipality to provide fire protection or other essential municipal services upon properties leased to for-profit entities the title to which properties is held by the Board. The Board shall pay to the municipality concerned such equitable portion of the cost of providing such fire protection or other essential municipal service as shall be agreed to by the Board, and as part of the compensation for such fire protection the Board may provide land and buildings, or either, for fire stations to be used by the municipality.

(Source: P.A. 91-251, eff. 7-22-99.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015