(110 ILCS 805/2-12) (from Ch. 122, par. 102-12)
Sec. 2-12. The State Board shall have the power and it shall be its duty:
(a) To provide statewide planning for community colleges as institutions of higher education and co-ordinate the programs, services and activities of all community colleges in the State so as to encourage and establish a system of locally initiated and administered comprehensive community colleges.
(b) To organize and conduct feasibility surveys for new community colleges or for the inclusion of existing institutions as community colleges and the locating of new institutions.
(c) To approve all locally funded capital projects for which no State monies are required, in accordance with standards established by rule.
(d) To cooperate with the community colleges in continuing studies of student characteristics, admission standards, grading policies, performance of transfer students, qualification and certification of facilities and any other problem of community college education.
(e) To enter into contracts with other governmental agencies and eligible providers, such as local educational agencies, community-based organizations of demonstrated effectiveness, volunteer literacy organizations of demonstrated effectiveness, institutions of higher education, public and private nonprofit agencies, libraries, and public housing authorities; to accept federal funds and to plan with other State agencies when appropriate for the allocation of such federal funds for instructional programs and student services including such funds for adult education and adult literacy, vocational and technical education, and retraining as may be allocated by state and federal agencies for the aid of community colleges. To receive, receipt for, hold in trust, expend and administer, for all purposes of this Act, funds and other aid made available by the federal government or by other agencies public or private, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly. The changes to this subdivision (e) made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly apply on and after July 1, 2001.
(f) To determine efficient and adequate standards for community colleges for the physical plant, heating, lighting, ventilation, sanitation, safety, equipment and supplies, instruction and teaching, curriculum, library, operation, maintenance, administration and supervision, and to grant recognition certificates to community colleges meeting such standards.
(g) To determine the standards for establishment of community colleges and the proper location of the site in relation to existing institutions of higher education offering academic, occupational and technical training curricula, possible enrollment, assessed valuation, industrial, business, agricultural, and other conditions reflecting educational needs in the area to be served; however, no community college may be considered as being recognized nor may the establishment of any community college be authorized in any district which shall be deemed inadequate for the maintenance, in accordance with the desirable standards thus determined, of a community college offering the basic subjects of general education and suitable vocational and semiprofessional and technical curricula.
(h) To approve or disapprove new units of instruction, research or public service as defined in Section 3-25.1 of this Act submitted by the boards of trustees of the respective community college districts of this State. The State Board may discontinue programs which fail to reflect the educational needs of the area being served. The community college district shall be granted 60 days following the State Board staff recommendation and prior to the State Board's action to respond to concerns regarding the program in question. If the State Board acts to abolish a community college program, the community college district has a right to appeal the decision in accordance with administrative rules promulgated by the State Board under the provisions of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
(i) To participate in, to recommend approval or disapproval, and to assist in the coordination of the programs of community colleges participating in programs of interinstitutional cooperation with other public or nonpublic institutions of higher education. If the State Board does not approve a particular cooperative agreement, the community college district has a right to appeal the decision in accordance with administrative rules promulgated by the State Board under the provisions of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
(j) To establish guidelines regarding sabbatical leaves.
(k) To establish guidelines for the admission into special, appropriate programs conducted or created by community colleges for elementary and secondary school dropouts who have received truant status from the school districts of this State in compliance with Section 26-14 of The School Code.
(l) The Community College Board shall conduct a study of community college teacher education courses to determine how the community college system can increase its participation in the preparation of elementary and secondary teachers.
(m) To establish by July 1, 1997 uniform financial accounting and reporting standards and principles for community colleges and develop procedures and systems for community colleges for reporting financial data to the State Board.
(n) To create and participate in the conduct and operation of any corporation, joint venture, partnership, association, or other organizational entity that has the power: (i) to acquire land, buildings, and other capital equipment for the use and benefit of the community colleges or their students; (ii) to accept gifts and make grants for the use and benefit of the community colleges or their students; (iii) to aid in the instruction and education of students of community colleges; and (iv) to promote activities to acquaint members of the community with the facilities of the various community colleges.
(o) On and after July 1, 2001, to ensure the effective teaching of adults and to prepare them for success in employment and lifelong learning by administering a network of providers, programs, and services to provide adult basic education, adult secondary and high school equivalency testing education, English as a second language, and any other instruction designed to prepare adult students to function successfully in society and to experience success in postsecondary education and the world of work.
(p) On and after July 1, 2001, to supervise the administration of adult education and adult literacy programs, to establish the standards for such courses of instruction and supervise the administration thereof, to contract with other State and local agencies and eligible providers, such as local educational agencies, community-based organizations of demonstrated effectiveness, volunteer literacy organizations of demonstrated effectiveness, institutions of higher education, public and private nonprofit agencies, libraries, and public housing authorities, for the purpose of promoting and establishing classes for instruction under these programs, to contract with other State and local agencies to accept and expend appropriations for educational purposes to reimburse local eligible providers for the cost of these programs, and to establish an advisory council consisting of all categories of eligible providers; agency partners, such as the State Board of Education, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Employment Security, and the Secretary of State literacy program; and other stakeholders to identify, deliberate, and make recommendations to the State Board on adult education policy and priorities. The State Board shall support statewide geographic distribution; diversity of eligible providers; and the adequacy, stability, and predictability of funding so as not to disrupt or diminish, but rather to enhance, adult education by this change of administration.
(Source: P.A. 98-718, eff. 1-1-15.)
Sections: Previous 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-11.1 2-11.5 2-12 2-12.1 2-15 2-16.02 2-16.03 2-16.04 2-16.05 2-16.06 Next
Last modified: February 18, 2015