(110 ILCS 947/65.80)
Sec. 65.80. Forensic science grant program.
(a) In order to encourage graduate students to enter the field of forensic science and continue their careers as forensic scientists with the Department of State Police in one of the specialty areas of forensic sciences that is considered a shortage specialty area, the Commission shall, subject to appropriation, establish and administer a forensic science grant program.
(b) A qualified applicant may receive a maximum grant amount of $30,000 to cover those expenses related to the forensic science program in which he or she is enrolled.
(c) The Commission shall, on an annual basis until July 1, 2010, receive and consider applications for grant assistance under the program. An applicant is eligible for a grant under the program if the Commission finds that the applicant:
(1) is a United States citizen or permanent resident;
(2) is a resident of Illinois or will be a resident
of Illinois upon completion of the forensic science program;
(3) is enrolled on a full-time basis in a minimum
one-year program that combines graduate education with training in a specific forensic discipline in a manner equivalent to the Department of State Police's new examiner training so as to prepare him or her to do casework; and
(4) meets or will meet all of the evaluation criteria
required by the Department of State Police for employment.
(d) Prior to receiving grant assistance for an academic year, each recipient shall be required by the Commission to sign an agreement under which the recipient pledges to seek employment as a forensic scientist with the Department of State Police and, if such employment is obtained, to continue as an employee of the Department of State Police for a minimum period of 4 years. If a recipient of a grant under this Section fails to fulfill the employment obligation, the Commission shall require that the recipient repay the amount of the grant award, prorated according to the fraction of the obligation not completed, plus interest at a rate of 5% and, if applicable, reasonable collection fees, as established by the Commission.
(e) A recipient of a grant award under this Section shall not be in violation of the agreement entered into pursuant to subsection (d) of this Section if the Department of State Police is unable to offer employment to the recipient. The Commission may adopt rules relating to other conditions under which a recipient is not considered to be in violation of the agreement entered into pursuant to subsection (d) of this Section. Any extension of the period during which the employment requirement under subsection (d) of this Section must be fulfilled shall be subject to the limitations of duration established by the Commission.
(f) The Commission and the Department of State Police shall adopt all rules that are necessary for the implementation and administration of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 94-1020, eff. 7-11-06.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015