Illinois Compiled Statutes 15 ILCS 510 State Treasurer Employment Code. Section 11

    (15 ILCS 510/11) (from Ch. 130, par. 111)

    Sec. 11. Employees of the Office of the Treasurer - election to public office - leave of absence - reentry of service. Any person holding a position in the Office who is elected to public office shall upon request be granted a leave of absence, without pay, from such position. The leave of absence shall continue so long as he remains an elected officer and for a period of 30 calendar days thereafter.

    If such person files a written request with the Division of Personnel to reenter active service with the Office within such 30 day period he shall be reinstated to his former position or a position of comparable duties, responsibilities and pay.

(Source: P.A. 85-1167.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015