Illinois Compiled Statutes 20 ILCS 301 Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse and Dependency Act. Section 15-10

    (20 ILCS 301/15-10)

    Sec. 15-10. Licensure categories. No person or program may provide the services or conduct the activities described in this Section without first obtaining a license therefor from the Department. The Department shall, by rule, provide licensure requirements for each of the following categories of service:

        (a) Residential treatment for alcoholism and other

    drug dependency, sub-acute inpatient treatment, clinically managed or medically monitored detoxification, and residential extended care (formerly halfway house).

        (b) Outpatient treatment for alcoholism and other

    drug abuse and dependency.

        (c) The screening, assessment, referral or tracking

    of clients identified by the criminal justice system as having indications of alcoholism or other drug abuse or dependency.

        (d) D.U.I. evaluation services for Illinois courts

    and the Secretary of State.

        (e) D.U.I. remedial education services for Illinois

    courts or the Secretary of State.

        (f) Recovery home services for persons in early

    recovery from substance abuse or for persons who have recently completed or who may still be receiving substance abuse treatment services.

    The Department may, under procedures established by rule and upon a showing of good cause for such, exempt off-site services from having to obtain a separate license for services conducted away from the provider's primary service location.

(Source: P.A. 94-1033, eff. 7-1-07.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015