(20 ILCS 405/405-280) (was 20 ILCS 405/67.15)
Sec. 405-280. State garages; passenger cars.
(a) To supervise and administer all State garages used for the repair, maintenance, or servicing of State-owned motor vehicles except those operated by any State college or university or by the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy; and to acquire, maintain, and administer the operation of the passenger cars reasonably necessary to the operations of the executive department of the State government. To this end, the Department shall adopt regulations setting forth guidelines for the acquisition, use, maintenance, and replacement of motor vehicles, including the use of ethanol blended gasoline whenever feasible, used by the executive department of State government; shall occupy the space and take possession of the personnel, facilities, equipment, tools, and vehicles that are in the possession or under the administration of the former Department of Administrative Services for these purposes on July 13, 1982 (the effective date of Public Act 82-789); and shall, from time to time, acquire any further, additional, and replacement facilities, space, tools, and vehicles that are reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this Section.
(b) The Department shall evaluate the availability and cost of GPS systems that State agencies may be able to use to track State-owned motor vehicles.
(c) The Department shall distribute a spreadsheet or otherwise make data entry available to each State agency to facilitate the collection of data for publishing on the Department's Internet website. Each State agency shall cooperate with the Department in furnishing the data necessary for the implementation of this subsection within the timeframe specified by the Department. Each State agency shall be responsible for the validity and accuracy of the data provided. Beginning on July 1, 2013, the Department shall make available to the public on its Internet website the following information:
(1) vehicle cost data, organized by individual
vehicle and by State agency, and including repair, maintenance, fuel, insurance, and other costs, as well as whether required vehicle inspections have been performed; and
(2) an annual vehicle breakeven analysis, organized
by individual vehicle and by State agency, comparing the number of miles a vehicle has been driven with the total cost of maintaining the vehicle.
(d) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, and notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the Department may not make any new motor vehicle purchases until the Department sets forth procedures to condition the purchase of new motor vehicles on (i) a determination of need based on a breakeven analysis, and (ii) a determination that no other available means, including car sharing or rental agreements, would be more cost-effective to the State. However, the Department may purchase motor vehicles not meeting or exceeding a breakeven analysis only if there is no alternative available to carry out agency work functions and the purchase is approved by the Manager of the Division of Vehicles upon the receipt of a written explanation from the agency head of the operational needs justifying the purchase.
(Source: P.A. 97-922, eff. 1-1-13.)
Sections: Previous 405-250 405-255 405-260 405-265 405-270 405-272 405-275 405-280 405-285 405-290 405-292 405-293 405-295 405-300 405-305 Next
Last modified: February 18, 2015