(20 ILCS 405/405-525)
(Section scheduled to be repealed on December 31, 2017)
Sec. 405-525. Support Your Neighbor Commission.
(a) The Support Your Neighbor Commission is created within the Department of Central Management Services to help increase the number of American and Illinois made products procured and sold by the State.
(b) The Commission shall be composed of:
(1) one member appointed by the Speaker of the
House of Representatives;
(2) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of
the House of Representatives;
(3) one member appointed by the President of the
(4) one member appointed by the Minority Leader of
the Senate;
(5) one member appointed by the Governor to
represent labor organizations representing manufacturing employees with over 500,000 members;
(6) one member appointed by the Governor to
represent auto workers' unions;
(7) one member appointed by the Governor to
represent machinist workers' unions;
(8) one member appointed by the Governor to
represent garment workers' unions;
(9) one member appointed by the Governor to
represent statewide business groups representing American manufacturers;
(10) one member appointed by the Governor to
represent the auto industry manufacturing sector;
(11) one member appointed by the Governor to
represent the interests of construction equipment and farm implement manufacturing; and
(12) one member appointed by the Governor to
represent the interests of the American garment industry.
(c) In addition to the members listed in subsection (b) of this Section, each of the following, or their designee, shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Commission: the Director of Central Management Services, the Director of Labor, the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, the Executive Director of the Board of Higher Education, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Director of Natural Resources.
(d) Appointed members shall serve a term of 4 years. The initial terms for members of the Commission shall commence on January 26, 2015.
(e) The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and necessary expenses, including travel expenses, from appropriations to the Department of Central Management Services available for that purpose and subject to the rules of the appropriate travel control board.
(f) Except ex-officio members, the members of the Commission shall be considered members with voting rights. A quorum of the Commission members shall consist of a majority of the members of the Commission. All actions and recommendations of the Commission must be approved by a majority vote of the members.
(g) Vacancies occurring among the members shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. Members are eligible for reappointment.
(h) The Commission shall file a report by December 31 of each year with the Department of Central Management Services. This report shall be posted on the Internet website of the Department of Central Management Services.
(i) This Section is repealed on December 31, 2017.
(Source: P.A. 98-1031, eff. 8-25-14.)
Sections: Previous 405-305 405-310 405-315 405-320 405-325 405-330 405-335 405-400 405-410 405-411 405-415 405-500 405-515 405-520 405-525
Last modified: February 18, 2015