(20 ILCS 605/605-300) (was 20 ILCS 605/46.2)
Sec. 605-300. Economic and business development plans; Illinois Business Development Council.
(a) Economic development plans. The Department shall develop a strategic economic development plan for the State by July 1, 2014. By no later than July 1, 2015, and by July 1 annually thereafter, the Department shall make modifications to the plan as modifications are warranted by changes in economic conditions or by other factors, including changes in policy. In addition to the annual modification, the plan shall be reviewed and redeveloped in full every 5 years. In the development of the annual economic development plan, the Department shall consult with representatives of the private sector, other State agencies, academic institutions, local economic development organizations, local governments, and not-for-profit organizations. The annual economic development plan shall set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-sensitive goals and shall include a focus on areas of high unemployment or poverty.
The term "economic development" shall be construed broadly by the Department and may include, but is not limited to, job creation, job retention, tax base enhancements, development of human capital, workforce productivity, critical infrastructure, regional competitiveness, social inclusion, standard of living, environmental sustainability, energy independence, quality of life, the effective use of financial incentives, the utilization of public private partnerships where appropriate, and other metrics determined by the Department.
The plan shall be based on relevant economic data, focus on economic development as prescribed by this Section, and emphasize strategies to retain and create jobs.
The plan shall identify and develop specific strategies for utilizing the assets of regions within the State defined as counties and municipalities or other political subdivisions in close geographical proximity that share common economic traits such as commuting zones, labor market areas, or other economically integrated characteristics.
If the plan includes strategies that have a fiscal impact on the Department or any other agency, the plan shall include a detailed description of the estimated fiscal impact of such strategies.
Prior to publishing the plan in its final form, the Department shall allow for a reasonable time for public input.
The Department shall transmit copies of the economic development plan to the Governor and the General Assembly no later than July 1, 2014, and by July 1 annually thereafter. The plan and its corresponding modifications shall be published and made available to the public in both paper and electronic media, on the Department's website, and by any other method that the Department deems appropriate.
The Department shall annually submit legislation to implement the strategic economic development plan or modifications to the strategic economic development plan to the Governor, the President and Minority Leader of the Senate, and the Speaker and the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. The legislation shall be in the form of one or more substantive bills drafted by the Legislative Reference Bureau.
(b) Business development plans; Illinois Business Development Council.
(1) There is created the Illinois Business
Development Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council. The Council shall consist of the Director, who shall serve as co-chairperson, and 12 voting members who shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(A) The voting members of the Council shall
include one representative from each of the following businesses and groups: small business, coal, healthcare, large manufacturing, small or specialized manufacturing, agriculture, high technology or applied science, local economic development entities, private sector organized labor, a local or state business association or chamber of commerce.
(B) There shall be 2 at-large voting members who
reside within areas of high unemployment within counties or municipalities that have had an annual average unemployment rate of at least 120% of the State's annual average unemployment rate as reported by the Department of Employment Security for the 5 years preceding the date of appointment.
(2) All appointments shall be made in a
geographically diverse manner.
(3) For the initial appointments to the Council, 6
voting members shall be appointed to serve a 2-year term and 6 voting members shall be appointed to serve a 4-year term. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for terms of 4 years. The initial term of voting members shall commence on the first Wednesday in February 2014. Thereafter, the terms of voting members shall commence on the first Wednesday in February, except in the case of an appointment to fill a vacancy. Vacancies occurring among the members shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. For a vacancy occurring when the Senate is not in session, the Governor may make a temporary appointment until the next meeting of the Senate when a person shall be nominated to fill the office, and, upon confirmation by the Senate, he or she shall hold office during the remainder of the term. A vacancy in membership does not impair the ability of a quorum to exercise all rights and perform all duties of the Council. A member is eligible for reappointment.
(4) Members shall serve without compensation, but may
be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties from funds appropriated for that purpose.
(5) In addition, the following shall serve as ex
officio, non-voting members of the Council in order to provide specialized advice and support to the Council: the Secretary of Transportation, or his or her designee; the Director of Employment Security, or his or her designee; the Executive Director of the Illinois Finance Authority, or his or her designee; the Director of Agriculture, or his or her designee; the Director of Revenue, or his or her designee; the Director of Labor, or his or her designee; and the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency, or his or her designee. Ex officio members shall provide staff and technical assistance to the Council when appropriate.
(6) In addition to the Director, the voting members
shall elect a co-chairperson.
(7) The Council shall meet at least twice annually
and at such other times as the co-chairpersons or any 5 voting members consider necessary. Seven voting members shall constitute a quorum of the Council.
(8) The Department shall provide staff assistance to
the Council.
(9) The Council shall provide the Department relevant
information in a timely manner pursuant to its duties as enumerated in this Section that can be used by the Department to enhance the State's strategic economic development plan.
(10) The Council shall:
(A) Develop an overall strategic business
development plan for the State of Illinois and update the plan at least annually; that plan shall include, without limitation, (i) an assessment of the economic development practices of states that border Illinois and (ii) recommendations for best practices with respect to economic development, business incentives, business attraction, and business retention for counties in Illinois that border at least one other state.
(B) Develop business marketing plans for the
State of Illinois to effectively solicit new company investment and existing business expansion. Insofar as allowed under the Illinois Procurement Code, and subject to appropriations made by the General Assembly for such purposes, the Council may assist the Department in the procurement of outside vendors to carry out such marketing plans.
(C) Seek input from local economic development
officials to develop specific strategies to effectively link State and local business development and marketing efforts focusing on areas of high unemployment or poverty.
(D) Provide the Department with advice on
strategic business development and business marketing for the State of Illinois.
(E) Provide the Department research and recommend
best practices for developing investment tools for business attraction and retention.
(Source: P.A. 98-397, eff. 8-16-13; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14; 98-888, eff. 8-15-14.)
Sections: Previous 605-111 605-112 605-115 605-200 605-205 605-210 605-215 605-300 605-302 605-305 605-310 605-312 605-315 605-320 605-323 Next
Last modified: February 18, 2015