(20 ILCS 607/3-30)
Sec. 3-30. Managing Partner; Advisory Council; responsibilities.
(a) The Managing Partner shall report its recommendations to the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council consists of two members appointed by the Governor of the State of Illinois, two members appointed by the President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners and five members selected by the Affected Municipalities to represent them. All members shall serve for a term of 3 years. Upon expiration of each member's term, a successor shall be appointed for a term of 3 years. Vacancies on the Advisory Council shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments and any members so appointed shall serve during the remainder of the term for which the vacancy occurred. The appointments shall be made within 90 days of the effective date of this Act. Five members shall constitute a quorum. The Council shall elect a Chairperson amongst its members by simple majority vote. Members shall serve without compensation and accurate minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council shall meet no less frequently than quarterly and a meeting may be called by the Chairperson or any four members of the Board. The relationship between the Managing Partner and the Advisory Council shall be set forth in an agreement among the parties.
(b) The Managing Partner is responsible for ensuring that, in consultation with the Advisory Board, the acreage designated as part of the Zone is redeveloped to simultaneously maximize the following:
(1) Protection and improvement of the natural
environment and the remediation of brownfield industrial property within the Brownfield Redevelopment Zone.
(2) Restoration of industrially zoned land to its
best and highest use, defined here as the highest possible number of new jobs in logistics or manufacturing operations and the highest levels of new business revenues.
(3) Employment of local low and moderate income
residents of the Zone and minority residents of the Zone and contracting with local minority-owned firms, to the extent consistent with Cook County policies and existing law.
(c) In order to fulfill the responsibilities set forth in subsection (b) of this Section, the Managing Partner has the following powers and duties, which shall collectively comprise its program administration tasks:
(1) Create, gain approval from the Director for, and
regularly update, a master plan for the redevelopment of properties and the use of the Fund, for review by the Advisory Board and the Director, including the following elements:
(A) An explanation of how the features of the
master plan allow the Managing Partner to fulfill the broad responsibility outlined in this Section.
(B) The tasks that the Managing Partner will
undertake, directly or through assistance in the negotiation of development agreements with eligible developers or eligible employers, to acquire, assemble, remediate, prepare for development, redevelop, or market parcels that are part of the Zone.
(C) The criteria by which the Managing Partner
will evaluate and select from among potential eligible projects to carry out its basic responsibilities as outlined in this Section, including criteria that will fulfill the following programmatic goals: (i) at least 30% of labor hours must be performed by members of minority groups who reside in the municipalities where the Zone operates, and (ii) at least 20% of the dollar value of contracts and subcontracts must be held by minority-owned firms that are based in the municipalities where the Zone operates.
(D) Methods the Managing Partner employed to
receive and incorporate input on the master plan from a broad range of residents and stakeholders within the municipalities where the Zone operates, and methods it will employ to publicize the master plan so that it is constantly available for public review.
(E) Documentation of the master plan's
consistency with the applicable metropolitan planning organization's current regional comprehensive plan and regional Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), and with the current State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP).
(2) Develop and maintain a current database or set of
databases with detailed information including:
(A) All industrially zoned real estate properties
that are part of the Zone, including information concerning each property's ownership; current or delinquent tax status; proximity to major elements of freight infrastructure; status as a potential or designated brownfield; and any other information to support the marketing and redevelopment of properties that are part of the Zone.
(B) All major elements of infrastructure that
serve the properties that are part of the Zone, including the capacity and state of repair of rail lines and spurs, roadways, water, sewage, and power systems.
(C) Names of minority-owned contracting firms
that are based in municipalities containing property that is included in the Zone and wish to be hired by eligible developers or eligible employers, including the qualifications and contact information for these contractors.
(D) Names of individuals who are residents of
municipalities containing property that is part of the Zone and are members of a minority group, who wish to be employed by eligible developers or eligible employers, including the qualifications and contact information for these residents.
(3) Execute its master plan through a series of
eligible activities as outlined in Section 3-45 of this Act, governed by agreements.
(4) Evaluate project proposals to determine their
appropriateness and priority for funding based on the evaluation criteria defined in the master plan.
(5) Negotiate and monitor agreements with Affected
Municipalities, eligible developers and eligible employers.
(6) Maintain records of activities and financial
transactions including regular reports to the Department and an annual certified public audit.
(7) Publish and make publicly available an annual
report detailing local minority hiring and contracting that has resulted from the use of revenues in the Fund, to include the following: (A) the total number of labor hours performed by new employees who work at finished facilities located on property that is part of the Zone and who (i) are members of a minority group, and (ii) reside in one of the municipalities containing property that is part of the Zone; (B) the total number of labor hours performed by all new employees who work at finished facilities located on property that is part of the Zone; (C) the total dollar value of contracted or subcontracted services reimbursed with revenues from the Fund and that were performed by firms that are (i) minority-owned, and (ii) based in one of the municipalities containing property that is part of the Zone; (D) the total dollar value of contracted or subcontracted services reimbursed with revenues from the Fund; and (E) an explanation of concrete steps that will be taken if these values do not meet the programmatic goals that (i) at least 30% of labor hours must be performed by members of local minority groups, and (ii) at least 20% of the dollar value of contracts and subcontracts must be held by local minority-owned firms.
(8) Report to the Director quarterly on the progress
of executing the master plan and eligible activities.
(d) The Department shall manage and allocate all South Suburban Brownfields Redevelopment Fund revenues subject to the Director's finding that funds are being used to execute the master plan for redevelopment of properties that are part of the Zone.
The Managing Partner may, at its discretion, contract with an entity of its choosing to support these program administration tasks.
(Source: P.A. 98-109, eff. 7-25-13.)
Sections: Previous 3-1 3-5 3-10 3-15 3-20 3-25 3-30 3-35 3-40 3-45 3-50 3-55 Next
Last modified: February 18, 2015