Illinois Compiled Statutes 30 Finance: Article 40 - Real Property and Capital Improvement Leases
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-5
Applicability. All leases for real property or capital improvements, including office and storage space, buildings, and other facilities for State agencies where the State is...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-10
Authority. State purchasing officers shall have the authority to procure leases for real property or capital improvements. (Source: P.A. 90-572, eff. date - See...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-15
Method of source selection. (a) Request for information. Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), all State contracts for leases of real property or...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-20
Request for information. (a) Conditions for use. Leases shall be procured by request for information except as otherwise provided in Section 40-15. (b) Form. A...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-25
Length of leases. (a) Maximum term. Leases shall be for a term not to exceed 10 years inclusive, beginning January, 1, 2010, of proposed contract...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-30
Purchase option. Initial leases of all space in entire, free-standing buildings shall include an option to purchase exerciseable by the State, unless the purchasing...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-35
Rent without occupancy. Except when deemed by the Board to be in the best interest of the State, no State agency may incur rental...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-40
Local site preferences. Upon the request of the chief executive officer of a unit of local government, leasing preferences may be given to sites...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-45
Leases exempt from Article. A lease entered into by the State under Section 7.4 of the State Property Control Act is not subject to...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-46
Leases exempt from Article. A lease entered into under Section 7.5 of the State Property Control Act is not subject to the provisions of...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-55
Lessor's failure to make improvements. Each lease must provide for actual or liquidated damages upon the lessor's failure to make improvements agreed upon in the...
- Illinois Procurement Code. - 30 ILCS 500, Section 40-150
Proposed contracts; Procurement Policy Board. This Article is subject to Section 5-30 of this Code. (Source: P.A. 93-839, eff. 7-30-04.)
Last modified: February 18, 2015