(30 ILCS 525/3) (from Ch. 85, par. 1603)
Sec. 3. Conduct of competitive procurement. Under any agreement of governmental units that desire to make joint purchases pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 2, one of the governmental units shall conduct the competitive procurement process. Where the State of Illinois is a party to the joint purchase agreement, the appropriate chief procurement officer shall conduct or authorize the competitive procurement process. Expenses of such competitive procurement process may be shared by the participating governmental units in proportion to the amount of personal property, supplies or services each unit purchases.
When the State of Illinois is a party to the joint purchase agreement pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 2, the acceptance of responses to the competitive procurement process shall be in accordance with the Illinois Procurement Code and rules promulgated under that Code. When the State of Illinois is not a party to the joint purchase agreement, the acceptance of responses to the competitive procurement process shall be governed by the agreement.
When the State of Illinois is a party to a joint purchase agreement pursuant to subsection (a-5) of Section 2, the State may act as the lead state or as a participant state. When the State of Illinois is the lead state, all such joint purchases shall be conducted in accordance with the Illinois Procurement Code. When Illinois is a participant state, all such joint purchases shall be conducted in accordance with the procurement laws of the lead state; provided that all such joint procurements must be by competitive solicitation process. All resulting awards shall be published in the appropriate volume of the Illinois Procurement Bulletin as may be required by Illinois law governing publication of the solicitation, protest, and award of Illinois State contracts. Contracts resulting from a joint purchase shall contain all provisions required by Illinois law and rule.
The personal property, supplies or services involved shall be distributed or rendered directly to each governmental unit taking part in the purchase. The person selling the personal property, supplies or services may bill each governmental unit separately for its proportionate share of the cost of the personal property, supplies or services purchased.
The credit or liability of each governmental unit shall remain separate and distinct. Disputes between bidders and governmental units shall be resolved between the immediate parties.
(Source: P.A. 97-895, eff. 8-3-12; 98-1076, eff. 1-1-15.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015