Illinois Compiled Statutes 30 Finance: Article II - Downstate Public Transportation Assistance
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-1
As used in this Article, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following words and phrases have the meanings ascribed to them in Sections...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-2.01
"Department" means the Illinois Department of Transportation. (Source: P.A. 82-783.)
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-2.02
"Participant" means: (1) a city, village, or incorporated town, a county, or a local mass transit district organized under the Local Mass Transit District Act...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-2.03
"Operating deficits" means the amount by which eligible operating expenses exceed revenue from fares, reduced fare reimbursements, rental of properties, advertising, and any other...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-2.04
"Eligible operating expenses" means all expenses required for public transportation, including employee wages and benefits, materials, fuels, supplies, rental of facilities, taxes other than income...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-2.05
"Public Transportation" means the transportation or conveyance of persons by means available to the general public including groups of the general public with special needs...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-2.06
"Fiscal year" means the fiscal year of the State of Illinois from July 1 to the next succeeding June 30 unless the intention is...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-2.07
"Rural Transportation Assistance - Demonstration Project" means the provision of public transportation service to rural areas in Illinois, designated by the Department, which are...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-3
(a) As soon as possible after the first day of each month, beginning July 1, 1984, upon certification of the Department of Revenue, the Comptroller...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-4
The Department shall establish forms for the reporting of projected and actual operating deficits and expenses and other required information by the participants, and...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-5
Each participant making application for grants pursuant to this Article shall submit to the Department at the time of making such application, on forms...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-5.1
Additional requirements. (a) Any unit of local government that becomes a participant on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-6
Allocation of funds. (a) With respect to all participants other than any Metro-East Transit District participant, the Department shall allocate the funds to be made...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-7
Quarterly reports; annual audit. (a) Any Metro-East Transit District participant shall, no later than 60 days following the end of each quarter of any fiscal...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-9
Each program of proposed expenditures shall, in the case of a system of public transportation owned and operated by a participant, undertake to meet...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-10
Cooperative projects. Nothing in this Act shall prohibit any participant from including in a program of proposed expenditures funding for a portion of a...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-11
The Department shall review and approve or disapprove within 45 days of receipt each program of proposed expenditures submitted by any participant pursuant to...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-12
Disapproval of program. Upon disapproval of any program of proposed expenditures, the Department shall so notify the chief official of the participant having submitted...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-13
Review of amended programs. The Department shall review each amended program of proposed expenditures submitted to it pursuant to the provisions of Section 2-12...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-14
Grants. (a) Upon a determination by the Department that any initial or amended program of proposed expenditures is in compliance with the provisions of...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-15
Residual fund balance. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, all funds which remain in the Downstate Public Transportation Fund or the Metro-East Public...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-15.1
Beginning July 1, 1992, every participant, as defined in Section 2-2.02 (1)(a), shall require all gasoline burning motor vehicles operated under its jurisdiction to...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-15.2
Free services; eligibility. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no later than 60 days following the effective date of this amendatory Act of the...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-15.3
Transit services for disabled individuals. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no later than 60 days following the effective date of this amendatory Act of...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-16
(a) Pursuant to appropriation therefor, the Department may enter into grant agreements with and make grants to counties and any private nonprofit corporation providing...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-17
County authorization to provide public transportation and to apply for grants in connection therewith. (a) Any county or counties may, by ordinance, operate or...
- Illinois Downstate Public Transportation Act. - 30 ILCS 740, Section 2-18
Exemption from regulation. Rural transportation assistance-demonstration projects shall not be subject to regulation by the Illinois Commerce Commission except as provided by paragraph (a)...
Last modified: February 18, 2015