Illinois Compiled Statutes 30 ILCS 787 21st Century Workforce Development Fund Act. Section 20

    (30 ILCS 787/20)

    Sec. 20. Priorities. The Department shall implement grantmaking using the following priorities, and the Advisory Committee shall monitor the application of these priorities to grantmaking:

    (a) Priority populations. Priority shall be given to workforce education and training strategies that target individuals with barriers to employment including, but not limited to, criminal backgrounds, low incomes, residents of public or subsidized housing, and individuals with limited literacy, math skills, or English proficiency. Priority may also be given to workers with jobs that are affected by the implementation of State energy and environmental policy.

    (b) Priority industries. Priority shall be given to workforce education and training strategies for the following:

        (i) Industries that will reduce carbon emissions,

    promote recycling/reuse, prevent and remediate pollution, and support local food production, including but not limited to the following:

            (A) Energy efficient building construction,

        retrofit, and assessment industries.

            (B) Renewable electric power generation and

        transmission industries.

            (C) Deconstruction and materials use industries.

            (D) Manufacturers that produce sustainable

        products using environmentally sustainable processes and materials.

            (E) Local food systems.

        (ii) Industries identified by the Department to be

    facing a critical shortage of skilled workers.

    (c) Other priority factors. The Department must implement grantmaking by giving priority to grant applications that demonstrate collaboration amongst local workforce, education, and economic development stakeholders in their community; demonstrate collaboration with outreach programs designed to connect community residents with training opportunities; integrate lead-safe work practices into their training; or serve communities with high rates of unemployment, underemployment, and poverty.

(Source: P.A. 96-771, eff. 8-28-09.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015