Illinois Compiled Statutes 310 ILCS 100 Prevention of Unnecessary Institutionalization Act. Section 25

    (310 ILCS 100/25)

    Sec. 25. Eligibility. Persons age 60 or over and adults and children with disabilities shall be eligible for grants or loans or both under the Program established by this Act if they have one or more verifiable impairments that substantially limits one or more of life's major activities for which some modification of their dwelling or assistive technology devices, or both, are required which they are unable to afford because of limited resources. Preference shall be given to applicants who: (1) are at imminent risk of institutionalization or who are already in an institutional setting but are ready to return to the community and who would be able to live in the community if modifications are made or they have the needed assistive technology devices, (2) have inadequate resources or no current access to resources as a result of the geographic location of their dwelling, the lack of other available State or federal funds such as the Community Development Block Grant or rural housing assistance programs or income limitations such as the inability to qualify for a low-interest loan, or (3) have access to other resources, but those resources are insufficient to complete the necessary modifications or acquire the needed assistive technology devices. Adults under 60 years of age with disabilities and children with disabilities shall receive services under the component of the Program administered by the Department of Human Services. An adult 60 years of age or older may elect to receive services under the component administered by the Department of Human Services if, at the time he or she reached age 60, he or she was already receiving Home Services under subsection (f) of Section 3 of the Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Act or he or she was already receiving services under the component of the Program administered by the Department of Human Services. All other adults 60 years of age or older receiving services under the Program shall receive services under the component administered by the Department on Aging.

(Source: P.A. 92-122, eff. 7-20-01.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015