Illinois Compiled Statutes 515 Fish: Article 15 - Commercial Fishing
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-5
Commercial fisherman; license requirement. (a) A "commercial fisherman" is defined as any individual who uses any of the commercial fishing devices as defined by this...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-10
Commercial musselor; license. A "commercial musselor" is defined as any individual who takes mussels by hand, except as provided by administrative rule, or who...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-15
Commercial fishing devices. "Commercial fishing devices" for the purposes of this Code are defined as follows: buoyed gangings, set gangings, bank pole and line, throw...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-20
Yellow perch, bloater chubs and smelt; method of taking. Bloater chubs, smelt, and yellow perch may be taken in Lake Michigan with gill nets...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-25
Making holes in ice. Holes cut in ice for the purpose of seining and netting shall be marked so as to be clearly visible....
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-30
Taking of trout, salmon, and whitefish by commercial devices. All trout, including lake trout, salmon, and lake whitefish, may not be taken by commercial...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-32
Yellow perch and bloater chub; commercial licenses. (a) The Department shall issue 5 commercial licenses for taking yellow perch and bloater chub. Five licenses...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-35
Mussels; open season. Mussels may be taken only during the period of April 1 to September 30, both inclusive, and then only from sunrise...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-40
Mussels; size limit. All mussels taken shall be not less than 2 1/2 inches on the shortest line from the center of the hinge...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-45
Commercial possession. Any person operating commercial fishing or mussel devices shall have in his or her possession only those species of aquatic life specified...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-46
Taking of roe-bearing species by commercial device. (a) All commercial fishermen shall procure a commercial roe harvest permit in addition to their commercial fishing license...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-50
Regulation. Except as provided in Section 20-90 no person shall buy, sell or barter, or offer to buy, sell or barter, nor shall any...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-55
Aquatic life taken outside State and brought into State. When legally taken from waters wholly outside the jurisdiction of the State of Illinois and...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-60
Legal size; various species. When taken from waters wholly or in part within the boundaries of the State of Illinois, except from the Ohio...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-65
Modification by rule. The provisions of Sections 15-20 through 15-60 are subject to modification by administrative rule. (Source: P.A. 87-833.)
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-70
Proof of taking in another state. Failure to establish proof that aquatic life protected by this Code was legally acquired in another state and...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-75
Record of catch; inspection of record. Commercial fishermen, musselors, and commercial roe harvesters shall keep an accurate record of their catch. This record, showing the...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-80
Otter trawl. It is unlawful for any person to use any otter trawl or modified bag seine used in the manner of an otter...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-85
Dragging nets. It shall be unlawful to pull, drag, haul, or draw to, towards, or near the shore of any body of water, or to...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-90
Nets or seines in Lake Michigan. It shall be unlawful to set, drift, or drag any net or seine except a minnow seine in...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-95
Dragging trot, set, or throw lines. It shall be unlawful to drag, pull, or move through the water any trot, set, or throw line...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-100
Length and mesh size of seine. Except as provided in Sections 20-5 through 20-25, any person may use a single seine not exceeding 100...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-105
Devices near spillways, fishways, lakes, and dams. It shall be unlawful to use or operate any commercial devices within 300 yards above or below...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-110
Seines for minnows or crayfish. It is unlawful to use a seine for the taking of minnows or crayfish that has mesh larger than...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-115
Basket traps and hoop nets. Except as provided in Section 20-25, it is unlawful to use any basket trap other than a basket trap...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-120
Mesh size of dip nets. It shall be unlawful to use any dip net having a mesh less than 1 1/2 inches bar measurement...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-125
Live box or live net. All live boxes and live nets in which any aquatic life protected by this Code is held shall be...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-130
Gill or trammel net. It shall be unlawful to use a gill or trammel net except in the Mississippi River, in the Ohio River, and...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-135
License in possession. (a) It is unlawful, for the purposes of operation of fishing or musseling devices, (i) for licensed commercial fishermen or musselors to...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-140
Spacing of hooks. All trot lines, throw lines, or similar devices except trolley or power lines used in Lake Michigan shall have hooks spaced...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-145
Tagging commercial devices. It shall be the responsibility of each person licensed as a commercial fisherman or musselor to furnish and attach to each...
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-150
(Repealed). (Source: P.A. 87-833. Repealed by P.A. 95-147, eff. 8-14-07.)
- Illinois Fish and Aquatic Life Code. - 515 ILCS 5, Section 15-155
Watercraft used as a primary collection device for commercial fishes. Any person licensed as a commercial fisherman who wishes to use their watercraft as a...
Last modified: February 18, 2015