(70 ILCS 1935/10)
Sec. 10. Legislative declaration. The General Assembly declares that the welfare, health, prosperity, and moral and general well being of the people of the State are, in large measure, dependent upon the sound and orderly development of municipal areas. The Village of Elmwood Park, by reason of the location there of Grand Avenue and its use for vehicular travel in access to the entire west metropolitan Chicago area, including municipalities in 2 counties, as well as commercial and industrial growth patterns and accessibility to O'Hare International Airport, manufacturing and freight related services, has become and will increasingly be the hub of transportation from all parts of the region and throughout the west metropolitan area. Motor vehicle traffic, pedestrian travel, and the safety of both motorists and pedestrians are substantially aggravated by the location of a major railroad right-of-way that divides the Village into north and south halves. The presence of the railroad right-of-way has effectively impeded the development of highway usage and rights-of-way and is detrimental to the orderly expansion of industry and commerce and to progress throughout the region. Additionally, the railroad grade crossing located on Grand Avenue within the Village of Elmwood Park has posed a significant safety hazard to the public. The Illinois Commerce Commission Collision History illustrates that there have been 8 fatalities and 29 injuries since 1956 at the railroad grade crossing located on Grand Avenue within the Village. The presence of the railroad right-of-way at grade crossing within the Village is detrimental to the safety of the public, as well as to the orderly expansion of industry and commerce and to progress of the region. To alleviate this situation, it is necessary to separate the grade crossing on Grand Avenue within the Village, to relocate the railroad tracks and right-of-way, to acquire property for separation of the railroad or highway, and to create an agency to facilitate and accomplish that grade separation.
(Source: P.A. 98-564, eff. 8-27-13; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015