Illinois Compiled Statutes 725 ILCS 215 Statewide Grand Jury Act. Section 4

    (725 ILCS 215/4) (from Ch. 38, par. 1704)

    Sec. 4. (a) The presiding judge of the Statewide Grand Jury will receive recommendations from the Attorney General as to the county in which the Grand Jury will sit. Prior to making the recommendations, the Attorney General shall obtain the permission of the local State's Attorney to use his or her county for the site of the Statewide Grand Jury. Upon receiving the Attorney General's recommendations, the presiding judge will choose one of those recommended locations as the site where the Grand Jury shall sit.

    Any indictment by a Statewide Grand Jury shall be returned to the Circuit Judge presiding over the Statewide Grand Jury and shall include a finding as to the county or counties in which the alleged offense was committed. Thereupon, the judge shall, by order, designate the county of venue for the purpose of trial. The judge may also, by order, direct the consolidation of an indictment returned by a county grand jury with an indictment returned by the Statewide Grand Jury and set venue for trial.

    (b) Venue for purposes of trial for the offense of narcotics racketeering shall be proper in any county where:

        (1) Cannabis or a controlled substance which is the

    basis for the charge of narcotics racketeering was used; acquired; transferred or distributed to, from or through; or any county where any act was performed to further the use; acquisition, transfer or distribution of said cannabis or controlled substance; or

        (2) Any money, property, property interest, or any

    other asset generated by narcotics activities was acquired, used, sold, transferred or distributed to, from or through; or,

        (3) Any enterprise interest obtained as a result of

    narcotics racketeering was acquired, used, transferred or distributed to, from or through, or where any activity was conducted by the enterprise or any conduct to further the interests of such an enterprise.

    (c) Venue for purposes of trial for the offense of money laundering shall be proper in any county where any part of a financial transaction in criminally derived property took place, or in any county where any money or monetary interest which is the basis for the offense, was acquired, used, sold, transferred or distributed to, from, or through.

    (d) A person who commits the offense of cannabis trafficking or controlled substance trafficking may be tried in any county.

    (e) Venue for purposes of trial for any violation of Article 29D of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 may be in the county in which an act of terrorism occurs, the county in which material support or resources are provided or solicited, the county in which criminal assistance is rendered, or any county in which any act in furtherance of any violation of Article 29D of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 occurs.

(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015