Illinois Compiled Statutes 730 ILCS 190 Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009. Section 5

    (730 ILCS 190/5)

    Sec. 5. Purpose and Definitions.

    (a) Purpose. The General Assembly hereby declares that it is the policy of Illinois to preserve public safety, reduce crime, and make the most effective use of correctional resources. Currently, the Illinois correctional system overwhelmingly incarcerates people whose time in prison does not result in improved behavior and who return to Illinois communities in less than one year. It is therefore the purpose of this Act to create an infrastructure to provide effective resources and services to incarcerated individuals and individuals supervised in the locality; to hold offenders accountable; to successfully rehabilitate offenders to prevent future involvement with the criminal justice system; to measure the overall effectiveness of the criminal justice system in achieving this policy; and to create the Adult Redeploy Illinois program for those who do not fall under the definition of violent offenders.

    (b) Definitions. As used in this Act, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

        (1) "Assets" are an offender's qualities or

    resources, such as family and other positive support systems, educational achievement, and employment history, that research has demonstrated will decrease the likelihood that the offender will re-offend and increase the likelihood that the offender will successfully reintegrate into the locality.

        (2) "Case plan" means a consistently updated

    written proposal that shall follow the offender through all phases of the criminal justice system, that is based on the offender's risks, assets, and needs as identified through the assessment tool described in this Act, and that outlines steps the offender shall take and the programs in which the offender shall participate to maximize the offender's ability to be rehabilitated.

        (3) "Conditions of supervision" include

    conditions described in Section 5-6-3.1 of the Unified Code of Corrections.

        (4) "Evidence-based practices" means policies,

    procedures, programs, and practices that have been demonstrated to reduce recidivism among incarcerated individuals and individuals on local supervision.

        (5) "Local supervision" includes supervision in

    local-based, non-incarceration settings under such conditions and reporting requirements as are imposed by the court or the Prisoner Review Board.

        (6) "Needs" include an offender's criminogenic

    qualities, skills, and experiences that can be altered in ways that research has demonstrated will minimize the offender's chances of re-offending and maximize the offender's chances of successfully reintegrating into the locality.

        (7) "Risks" include the attributes of an

    offender that are commonly considered to be those variables, such as age, prior criminal history, history of joblessness, and lack of education that research has demonstrated contribute to an offender's likelihood of re-offending and impact an offender's ability to successfully reintegrate into the locality.

        (8) "Violent offender" means a person convicted

    of a violent crime as defined in subsection (c) of Section 3 of the Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act.

(Source: P.A. 96-761, eff. 1-1-10.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015