Illinois Compiled Statutes 730 ILCS 5 Unified Code of Corrections. Section 3-15-4

    (730 ILCS 5/3-15-4)

    Sec. 3-15-4. Task force on mental health services in municipal jails and lockups.

    (a) The Department of Corrections shall convene a special task force to develop and propose model standards for the delivery of mental health services and the prevention of suicides in municipal jails and lockups. The task force shall be composed of no more than 22 members appointed by the Director of Corrections as follows:

        (1) Not more than 8 members representing


        (2) Not more than 8 members representing community

    mental health service providers and State operated and private psychiatric hospitals, including no more than 3 representatives of the Office of Mental Health, Department of Human Services.

        (3) Three members of the general public, at least one

    of whom must be a primary consumer of mental health services.

        (4) Not more than 3 representatives of the following

    groups: the National Commission on Correctional Health Care, the American Correctional Association, the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, the American Association of Correctional Psychology, the John Howard Association. The Director of Corrections shall in appointing the task force attempt to ensure that the membership on the task force represents the geographic diversity of the State.

    (b) The members of the task force shall serve without compensation and may not receive reimbursement for any expenses incurred in performing their duties as members of the task force.

    (c) The task force may, without limitation, (i) determine what services and screening should be provided in municipal pre-trial detention facilities and what training and resources are necessary to provide those services and (ii) recommend changes in the Department's standards for municipal jails and lockups.

    (d) Before the Department acts upon any recommendation of the task force, the Department must hold a public hearing to provide individuals with mental illnesses and their family members, mental health advocacy organizations, and the public to review, comment upon, and suggest any changes to the proposed standards for municipal jails and lockups.

    (e) The task force must submit its recommendations as to any changes in the standards for municipal jails and lockups to the General Assembly by January 15, 2002.

(Source: P.A. 92-469, eff. 8-22-01.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015