Illinois Compiled Statutes 745 ILCS 25 Tort Liability of Schools Act. Section 1

    (745 ILCS 25/1) (from Ch. 122, par. 821)

    Sec. 1. The General Assembly finds and hereby enacts as the public policy of the State of Illinois that public schools in the exercise of purely governmental functions should be protected from excessive diversion of their funds for purposes not directly connected with their statutory functions, if there is liability imposed by any court, and that there should be a reasonable distribution among the members of the public at large of the burden of individual loss from injuries incurred as a result of negligence in the conduct of school district affairs; and that non-profit private schools conducted by bona fide eleemosynary or religious institutions should be protected from excessive diversion of their funds for purposes not directly connected with their educational functions and also that there should be a reasonable contribution by non-profit private schools conducted by bona fide eleemosynary or religious institutions toward alleviation of the burden of individual loss arising from injuries incurred as a result of negligence in the conduct of such non-profit private schools.

(Source: Laws 1959, p. 2060.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015