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Illinois Compiled Statutes 755 Estates: Article X - Administrators To Collect
Illinois Compiled Statutes 755 Estates: Article X - Administrators To Collect
Illinois Probate Act of 1975. - 755 ILCS 5, Section 10-1
Letters of administration to collect.) (a) Upon the filing of a petition of any interested person or upon its own motion, the court may...
Illinois Probate Act of 1975. - 755 ILCS 5, Section 10-2
Petition for letters of administration to collect.) A person desiring to have letters of administration to collect issued on the estate of a deceased...
Illinois Probate Act of 1975. - 755 ILCS 5, Section 10-3
Administrator to collect for missing person - notice.) When letters of administration to collect are sought for the estate of a missing person, the...
Illinois Probate Act of 1975. - 755 ILCS 5, Section 10-4
Powers and duties of administrator to collect.) An administrator to collect has power to sue for and collect the personal estate and debts due...
Illinois Probate Act of 1975. - 755 ILCS 5, Section 10-5
Termination of powers.) On the issuance of letters testamentary or of administration or the satisfactory establishment of the survival and location of the missing...
Last modified: February 18, 2015