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Illinois Compiled Statutes 755 Estates: Article XIV - Inventory And Appraisal
Illinois Compiled Statutes 755 Estates: Article XIV - Inventory And Appraisal
Illinois Probate Act of 1975. - 755 ILCS 5, Section 14-1
Inventory.) (a) Within 60 days after the issuance of his letters the representative of the estate of a decedent or ward shall file in...
Illinois Probate Act of 1975. - 755 ILCS 5, Section 14-2
Appraisal.) If the representative believes that it is necessary for the proper administration of the estate to determine the value of any goods and...
Illinois Probate Act of 1975. - 755 ILCS 5, Section 14-3
Inventories and appraisals as evidence.) Inventories and appraisals and authenticated copies thereof may be given in evidence in any suit by or against the...
Last modified: February 18, 2015