(820 ILCS 230/2) (from Ch. 48, par. 99)
Sec. 2. Such washroom shall be so arranged that employees may change their clothing therein, and shall be sufficient for the number of employees engaged regularly in such employment; shall be provided with lockers or hangers in which employees may keep their clothing; shall be provided with an adequate supply of safe, clean and potable water satisfactory for drinking purposes dispensed in a sanitary manner, an adequate supply of safe, clean, hot and cold water satisfactory for shower and bathing purposes and with sufficient and suitable places and means for using the same; a sufficient number of showers for the use of employees who regularly use the washroom; and adequate toilet facilities, properly enclosed; and during cold weather shall be sufficiently heated. The floor space necessary for the employees to dress in such washroom shall not be less than seven square feet per employee regularly dressing in such washroom at any one time.
(Source: P.A. 84-1438.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015