(820 ILCS 305/14.1) (from Ch. 48, par. 138.14-1)
Sec. 14.1. There is created a Commission Review Board consisting of the Chairman of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission, the Commissioner with the most seniority who is a representative citizen of the class of employees covered under this Act, the Commissioner with the most seniority who is a representative citizen of the employing class operating under this Act, two Arbitrators, one assigned to hear cases filed in counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more and one assigned to hear cases in any other county, both selected by a vote of a majority of the appointed Arbitrators pursuant to an election conducted by the Chairman, and 2 members designated by the Governor who are not commissioners, Arbitrators or employees of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission. Members of the Board shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred. All appointments for the initial terms shall be made and elections concluded by October 1, 1984, with each initial term commencing on October 1, 1984 and extending through February 28, 1987, until the office holder's successor is appointed or elected and qualified. Thereafter each term shall commence on March 1 of each odd-numbered year and extend through March 1 of the next succeeding odd-numbered year, until the office holder's successor is appointed or elected and qualified. The Governor shall certify his appointments, and the Chairman shall certify the results of the elections by the Arbitrators, to the Secretary of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission. A vacancy in the office of a member of the Commission Review Board shall be filled for the remainder of the vacating member's term in the same manner as that in which the member was appointed or elected.
The Chairman of the Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission shall serve as the Chairman of the Commission Review Board. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to compile, audit, and retain complaints registered against Commissioners and Arbitrators. The Chairman shall immediately advise a Commissioner or Arbitrator in writing of the nature of any and all complaints filed against him, preserving the identity of the complainant.
At a proceeding before the Commission Review Board, it shall then become the duty of any complainant to testify regarding his or her previously filed complaint, or said complaint shall be considered null and void.
The Commission Review Board shall advise any Commissioner or Arbitrator in writing of necessary remedial action to correct any deficiency and shall afford said individual the opportunity to report or respond to a complaint within a prescribed period of time.
In matters of serious concern to the State, the Commission Review Board may recommend that the Governor: 1) dismiss any Arbitrator who is found unfit to serve; or 2) not reappoint a Commissioner who it finds unfit to serve. This action shall require a record vote of at least 5 members of the Board. The Governor, in his discretion, may act on the recommendation of the Commission Review Board.
(Source: P.A. 93-721, eff. 1-1-05.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015