(820 ILCS 305/4b)
Sec. 4b. Collective bargaining pilot program.
(a) The Director of the Department of Labor shall adopt a selection process to designate 2 international, national, or statewide organizations made up of affiliates who are the exclusive representatives of construction employer employees recognized or certified pursuant to the National Labor Relations Act to participate in the collective bargaining pilot program provided for in this Section.
(a-5) For purposes of this Section, the term "construction employer" means any person or legal entity or group of persons or legal entities engaging in or planning to engage in any constructing, altering, reconstructing, repairing, rehabilitating, refinishing, refurbishing, remodeling, remediating, renovating, custom fabricating, maintaining, landscaping, improving, wrecking, painting, decorating, demolishing, and adding to or subtracting from any building, structure, airport facility, highway, roadway, street, alley, bridge, sewer, drain, ditch, sewage disposal plant, water works, parking facility, railroad, excavation or other project, structure, development, real property or improvement, or to do any part thereof, whether or not the performance of the work herein described involves the addition to, or fabrication into, any project, structure, development, real property or improvement herein described, and shall also include any moving of construction-related materials on the job site or to or from the job site.
For purposes of this Section, "labor organization" means an affiliate of an international, national, or statewide organization that has been selected by the Department of Labor to participate in the collective bargaining pilot program as provided for in this Section.
(b) Upon appropriate filing, the Commission and the courts of this State shall recognize as valid and binding any provision in a collective bargaining agreement between any construction employer or group of construction employers and a labor organization, which contains certain obligations and procedures relating to workers' compensation. This agreement must be limited to, but need not include, all of the following:
(1) An alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") system
to supplement, modify or replace the procedural or dispute resolution provisions of this Act. The system may include mediation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution proceedings, the results of which shall be final and binding upon the parties;
(2) An agreed list of medical treatment providers
that may be the exclusive source of all medical and related treatment provided under this Act;
(3) The use of a limited list of impartial physicians
to conduct independent medical examinations;
(4) The creation of a light duty, modified job, or
return to work program;
(5) The use of a limited list of individuals and
companies for the establishment of vocational rehabilitation or retraining programs that may be the exclusive source of rehabilitation and retraining services provided under this Act; or
(6) The establishment of joint labor management
safety committees and safety procedures.
(c) Void agreements. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize any provision in a collective bargaining agreement that diminishes or increases a construction employer's entitlements under this Act or an employee's entitlement to benefits as otherwise set forth in this Act. For the purposes of this Section, the procedural rights and dispute resolution agreements under subparagraphs (1) through (6) of subsection (b) of this Section are not agreements which diminish or increase a construction employer's entitlements under this Act or an employee's entitlement to benefits under this Act. Any agreement that diminishes or increases a construction employer's entitlements under this Act or an employee's entitlement to benefits as set forth in this Act is null and void. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as creating a mandatory subject of bargaining.
(d) Form of agreement. The agreement reached herein shall demonstrate that:
(1) The construction employer or group of
construction employers and the recognized or certified exclusive bargaining representative have entered into a binding collective bargaining agreement adopting the ADR plan for a period of no less than 2 years;
(2) Contractual agreements have been reached with the
construction employer's workers' compensation carrier, group self-insurance fund, and any excess carriers relating to the ADR plan;
(3) Procedures have been established by which claims
for benefits by employees will be lodged, administered, and decided while affording procedural due process;
(4) The plan has designated forms upon which claims
for benefits shall be made;
(5) The system and means by which the construction
employer's obligation to furnish medical services and vocational rehabilitation and retraining benefits shall be fulfilled and provider selected;
(6) The method by which mediators or arbitrators are
to be selected.
(e) Filing. A copy of the agreement and a statement identifying the parties to the agreement shall be filed with the Commission. Within 21 days of receipt of an agreement, the Chairman shall review the agreement for compliance with this Section and notify the parties of its acceptance or notify the parties of any additional information required or any recommended modification that would bring the agreement into compliance. If no additional information or modification is required, the agreement shall be valid and binding from the time the parties receive acceptance of the agreement from the Chairman. Upon receipt of any requested information or modification, the Chairman shall notify the parties within 21 days whether the agreement is in compliance with this Section. All rejections made by the Chairman under this subsection shall be subject to review by the courts of this State, said review to be taken in the same manner and within the same time as provided by Section 19 of this Act for review of awards and decisions of the Commission. Upon the review, the Circuit Court shall have power to review all questions of fact as well as of law.
(f) Notice to insurance carrier. If the construction employer is insured under this Act, it shall provide notice to and obtain consent from its insurance carrier, in the manner provided in the insurance contract, of its intent to enter into an agreement as provided in this Section with its employees.
(g) Employees' claims for workers' compensation benefits.
(1) Claims for benefits shall be filed with the ADR
plan administrator within those periods of limitation prescribed by this Act. Within 10 days of the filing of a claim, the ADR plan administrator shall serve a copy of the claim application upon the Commission, which shall maintain records of all ADR claims and resolutions.
(2) Settlements of claims presented to the ADR plan
administrator shall be evidenced by a settlement agreement. All such settlements shall be filed with the ADR plan administrator, who within 10 days shall forward a copy to the Commission for recording.
(3) Upon assignment of claims, unless settled,
mediators and arbitrators shall render final orders containing essential findings of fact, rulings of law and referring to other matters as pertinent to the questions at issue. The ADR plan administrator shall maintain a record of the proceedings.
(h) Reporting requirements. Annually, each ADR plan administrator shall submit a report to the Commission containing the following information:
(1) The number of employees within the ADR program;
(2) The number of occurrences of work-related
injuries or diseases;
(3) The breakdown within the ADR program of injuries
and diseases treated;
(4) The total amount of disability benefits paid
within the ADR program;
(5) The total medical treatment cost paid within the
ADR program;
(6) The number of claims filed within the ADR
program; and
(7) The disposition of all claims.
(Source: P.A. 97-18, eff. 6-28-11.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015