(820 ILCS 310/16) (from Ch. 48, par. 172.51)
Sec. 16. The Commission shall make and publish procedural rules and orders for carrying out the duties imposed upon it by law, which rules and orders shall be deemed prima facie reasonable and valid.
The process and procedure before the Commission shall be as simple and summary as reasonably may be.
The Commission upon application of either party may issue a dedimus potestatem directed to a commissioner, notary public, magistrate, justice of the peace or any other officer authorized by law to administer oaths, to take the depositions of such witness or witnesses as may be necessary in the judgment of such applicant. Such dedimus potestatem may issue to any of the officers aforesaid in any state or territory of the United States. When the deposition of any witness resident of a foreign country is desired to be taken, the dedimus shall be directed to and the deposition taken before a consul, vice consul or other authorized representative of the government of the United States of America, whose station is in the country where the witness whose deposition is to be taken resides. In countries where the government of the United States has no consul or other diplomatic representative, then depositions in such case shall be taken through the appropriate judicial authority of that country; or where treaties provide for other methods of taking depositions, then the same may be taken as in such treaties provided. The Commission shall have the power to adopt necessary rules to govern the issue of such dedimus potestatem.
The Commission, or any member thereof, or any Arbitrator designated by said Commission shall have the power to administer oaths, subpoena and examine witnesses; to issue subpoenas duces tecum, requiring the production of such books, papers, records and documents as may be evidence of any matter under inquiry and to examine and inspect the same and such places or premises as may relate to the question in dispute. Said Commission or any member thereof, or any Arbitrator designated by said Commission, shall on written request of either party to the dispute, issue subpoenas for the attendance of such witnesses and production of such books, papers, records and documents as shall be designated in said applications, providing however, that the parties applying for such subpoena shall advance the officer and witness fees provided for in suits pending in the Circuit Court. Service of such subpoena shall be made by any sheriff or other person. In case any person refuses to comply with an order of the Commission or subpoenas issued by it or by any member thereof, or any Arbitrator designated by said Commission or to permit an inspection of places or premises, or to produce any books, papers, records or documents, or any witness refuses to testify to any matters regarding which he may be lawfully interrogated, the Circuit Court for the county in which said hearing or matter is pending, on application of any member of the Commission or any Arbitrator designated by the Commission, shall compel obedience by attachment proceedings, as for contempt, as in a case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena from such court on a refusal to testify therein.
The records kept by a hospital, certified to as true and correct by the superintendent or other officer in charge, showing the medical and surgical treatment given an injured employee in such hospital, shall be admissible without any further proof as evidence of the medical and surgical matters stated therein, but shall not be conclusive proof of such matters.
The Commission at its expense shall provide an official court reporter to take the testimony and record of proceedings at the hearings before an Arbitrator or the Commission, who shall furnish a transcript of such testimony or proceedings to either party requesting it, upon payment to him therefor at the rate of $1.00 per page for the original and 35 cents per page for each copy of such transcript. Payment for photostatic copies of exhibits shall be extra. If the Commission has determined, as provided in Section 19.5 of this Act, that the employee is a poor person, a transcript of such testimony and proceedings, including photostatic copies of exhibits, shall be furnished to such employee at the Commission's expense.
The Commission shall have the power to determine the reasonableness and fix the amount of any fee of compensation charged by any person, including attorneys, physicians, surgeons and hospitals, for any service performed in connection with this Act, or for which payment is to be made under this Act or rendered in securing any right under this Act.
Whenever the Commission shall find that the employer, his agent, service company or insurance carrier has been guilty of delay or unfairness towards an employee in the adjustment, settlement or payment of benefits due such employee or has been guilty of unreasonable or vexatious delay, intentional under-payment of compensation benefits, or has engaged in frivolous defenses which do not present a real controversy, the Commission may assess all or any part of the attorney's fees and costs against such employer and his insurance carrier.
(Source: P.A. 86-998; 87-895.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015