(820 ILCS 405/2206) (from Ch. 48, par. 686)
Sec. 2206. Collection of amounts due. If any employing unit or person shall default in any payment required to be made under this Act, the Director is authorized to contract for assistance in collecting such amounts and to expend sums from the nonappropriated portion of the Special Administrative Account established by Section 2101 in an amount not to exceed any penalties and interest collected to pay for such services. Any amount due may also be collected by civil action against the employing unit or person brought in the name of the People of the State of Illinois, without regard as to whether or not the amount of such contributions has been assessed by the Director as provided in Section 2200, and the same, when collected, shall be treated in the same manner as contributions paid under this Act, and such employing unit's or person's compliance with the provisions of this Act requiring payments to be made under this Act shall date from the time of the payment of said money so collected. Civil action brought under this Section to collect contributions or interest thereon shall be entitled to preference upon the calendar over all other civil actions except judicial review proceedings under this Act and cases arising under the Workers' Compensation Act of this State.
(Source: P.A. 85-956.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015