(820 ILCS 405/2800) (from Ch. 48, par. 780)
Sec. 2800. Violations and penalties.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person or employing unit to--
1. Make a false statement or representation or fail
to disclose a material fact:
a. To obtain, or increase, or prevent, or reduce
any benefit or payment under the provisions of this Act, or under the unemployment compensation law of any State or the Federal Government, either for himself or for any other person; or
b. To avoid or reduce any contribution or other
payment required from an employing unit under this Act.
2. Fail to pay a contribution due under the
provisions of this Act.
3. Fail to furnish any report, audit, or information
duly required by the Director under this Act.
4. Refuse to allow the Director or his duly
authorized representative to inspect or copy the pay roll or other records or documents relative to the enforcement of this Act or required by this Act.
5. Make any deduction from the wages of any
individual in its employ because of its liability for the payment of contributions required by this Act.
6. Knowingly fail to furnish to any individual in its
employ any notice, report, or information duly required under the provisions of this Act or the rules or regulations of the Director.
7. Attempt to induce any individual, directly or
indirectly (by promise of re-employment or by threat not to employ or not to re-employ or by any other means), to refrain from claiming or accepting benefits or to waive any other rights under this Act; or to maintain a rehiring policy which discriminates against former individuals in its employ by reason of their having claimed benefits.
8. Pay contributions upon wages for services not
rendered for such employing unit if the purpose of such payment is either to reduce the amount of contributions due or to become due from any employing unit or to affect the benefit rights of any individual.
9. Solicit, or aid or abet the solicitation of,
information from any individual concerning his place of employment, residence, assets or earnings, by any means which are intended to mislead such individual to believe that the person or employing unit seeking such information is the Department or one of its Divisions or branches, or a representative thereof.
B. Any employing unit or person who willfully violates any provision of this Section or any other provision of this Act or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, or does any act prohibited by this Act, or who fails, neglects, or refuses to perform any duty required by any provision of this Act or rule or regulation of the Director, within the time prescribed by the Director, for which no penalty has been specifically provided, or who fails, neglects, or refuses to obey any lawful order given or made by the Director, shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor, and each such act, failure, neglect, or refusal shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. An employing unit's or person's willful filing of a fraudulent quarterly wage report shall constitute a Class 4 felony if the amount of contributions owed with respect to the quarter is less than $300 and a Class 3 felony if the amount of contributions owed with respect to the quarter is $300 or more. An employing unit's or person's willful failure to honor a subpoena issued by the Department shall constitute a Class 4 felony. If a person or employing unit described in this Section is a corporation, the president, the secretary, and the treasurer, and any other officer exercising corresponding functions, shall each be subject to the aforesaid penalties for the violation of any provisions of this Section of which he or they had or, in the exercise of his or their duties, ought to have had knowledge, not including the provisions regarding the filing of a fraudulent quarterly wage report or the willful failure to honor a subpoena.
(Source: P.A. 98-107, eff. 7-23-13.)
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Last modified: February 18, 2015