Hoist; supervision; inspection
Sec. 1. (a) Where men are transported into or out of a mine by
hoists, a properly certified hoisting engineer shall be on duty
continuously while any person is underground, except as provided in
subsection (b).
(b) Every hoist used to transport persons at a mine, other than
hoists used in excavating shafts or slopes, shall be equipped with
overspeed, overwind, and automatic stop controls unless a second
engineer is on duty. Every hoist used to transport such persons shall
be equipped with brakes capable of stopping the platform, cage, or
other device for transporting persons when fully loaded; and with
hoisting cable adequately strong to sustain the fully loaded platform,
cage, or other device for transporting persons, and have a proper
margin of safety. Cages or platforms which are used to transport
persons in vertical shafts, except cages or platforms which are also
used to transport coal shall be equipped with safety catches that act
quickly and effectively in an emergency, and the safety catches shall
be tested at least once every two (2) months. Every hoist that is used
to transport persons at a mine shall be inspected daily. No engineer
shall be required for automatically operated cages or platforms.
(c) The hoisting engineer shall operate the empty cages up and
down the shaft at least one (1) round trip at the beginning of each
shift and after the hoist has been idle for one (1) hour or more before
hoisting or lowering men.
(d) An accurate and reliable indicator, showing the position of the
cage or trip, shall be placed so as to be in clear view of the engineer,
unless the position of the cage or trip is clearly visible to the engineer
at all times.
(e) The rope shall have at least three (3) full turns on the drum
when extended to its maximum working length and shall make at
least one (1) full turn on the drum shaft or around the spoke of the
drum, in case of a free drum, and be fastened securely by means of
(f) The hoisting rope shall be fastened to its load by a
spelter-filled socket or by a thimble and adequate number of clamps
properly spaced and installed.
(g) Any rope attached to a cage, man-car, or trip used for hoisting
or lowering men shall be provided with two (2) bridle chains or
cables connected securely to the rope at least three (3) feet above the
socket or thimble and to the crosspiece of the cage or to the man-car
or trip.
(h) Hoisting equipment, including the headgear, cages, ropes,
connections, links and chains, shaft guides, shaft walls, and other
facilities shall be inspected daily by a competent person designated
by the management. Such inspector shall report immediately to his
superior any defects found, and any such defects shall be corrected
promptly. The person making such examination shall make a daily
permanent record of each inspection, which shall be open for
inspection by interested persons.
(i) The engineer in charge of the hoisting engine shall allow no
person to interfere with it or any part of the machinery, and no
person shall interfere, or in any way intimidate the engineer in the
discharge of his duties. Loitering in the engine room shall be
prohibited, and the hoisting engineer shall hold no conversation with
any officer of the company or other person while the engine is in
motion, or while his attention should be occupied with the business
of hoisting. A notice to this effect shall be posted on the engine
house in some conspicuous place. The engineer shall thoroughly
inform himself on the established code of signals. Signals must be
delivered in the engine room in a clear and unmistakable manner.
(j) There shall be a code of signals at each underground mine. One
(1) bell shall signify to hoist coal, an empty cage, and to stop either
when in motion; two (2) bells shall signify that men are coming up
or going down; when a return signal is received from the engineer,
the men will get on the cage and ring one (1) bell to hoist; four (4)
bells shall signify to hoist slowly, implying danger. The engineer's
signal for men to get on the cage shall be three (3) bells. A copy of
the above code of signals shall be printed and conspicuously posted
at the top and bottom of each shaft, in the engine room, and at each
(k) Whenever the hoisting or lowering of men occurs before
daylight or after dark, or when the landing at which men take or
leave the cage is obscured by steam or otherwise, there shall be
maintained at each landing a light sufficient to show the landing and
objects in immediate proximity thereto, and as long as men are
underground a good light shall be maintained at the bottom of the
shaft, so that persons coming to the bottom may discern the cage and
objects in the vicinity.
(Formerly: Acts 1955, c.168, s.61.) As amended by Acts 1979,
P.L.231, SEC.15; P.L.165-1997, SEC.8.
Last modified: May 27, 2006