Locomotives; warning devices; pushing cars; safety equipment
Sec. 6. (a) Locomotives shall be equipped with proper rerailing
devices for the rerailing of locomotives and cars.
(b) An audible warning device and headlight shall be installed and
maintained in good working order on each locomotive and
(c) A permissible trip light shall be used on the rear of trips pulled
and on the front of pushed trips and trips lowered in slopes; however,
trip lights need not be used on cars being shifted to and from loading
machines, on cars being handled at loading heads, or during
gathering operations at working faces.
(d) Pushing of cars on main haulage roads shall be prohibited,
except where necessary to push cars from side-tracks located near the
working section to the producing entries and rooms, where necessary
to clear switches and side-tracks, and on the approach to cages and
(e) Back-poling shall be prohibited except at places where the
trolley pole can not be reversed or when going up extremely steep
grades and then only at very slow speed.
(f) No person, other than the motorman and brakeman, shall ride
on a locomotive unless authorized by the mine foreman and then only
when safe riding facilities are provided. No person may ride on any
loaded car or on the bumper of any car; however, the brakeman may
ride on the rear bumper of the last car of a trip pulled by locomotive,
and the trip rider of a rope trip shall ride in the safest possible
position on the trip.
(g) No person may get on or off moving locomotives or cars being
moved by locomotives; however, the brakeman may get on or off the
rear end of a slowly moving trip.
(h) Operators of shuttle cars shall face in the direction of travel
except during the loading operation.
(i) All trips and locomotives shall come to a complete stop before
cars are coupled or uncoupled by hand.
(j) Standing cars on any track, unless held effectively by brakes,
shall be properly blocked or spragged. Cars shall be secured
effectively at working faces.
(k) Positive-acting stopblocks or derails shall be used where
necessary to protect persons from danger of moving or run-away
haulage equipment.
(l) Slides, skids, or other adequate means shall be used on
descending trips on grades where the locomotive is not adequate to
control the trip, and where practicable, a drag shall be used on
ascending trips.
(m) Material being transported shall be so loaded and protected
that there is no danger to the motorman or brakeman from sliding of
equipment and material.
(n) Where safe seating facilities are provided on self-propelled
mobile equipment, the operator shall be seated while such equipment
is being trammed.
(o) Operators of locomotives and shuttle cars shall sound a
warning before starting such equipment and on approaching curves,
side-tracks, doors, curtains, manway crossings, or any place where
persons are or are likely to be.
(p) Locomotives following other trips shall maintain a distance of
three hundred (300) feet from the rear end of the preceding trip or
locomotive unless such locomotives are coupled to the trips.
(q) Where block signals are used, not more than one (1)
locomotive, except pushers, shall operate in any signal block at the
same time unless by special authority.
(r) Where a dispatcher is employed to control trips, traffic under
his jurisdiction shall be moved only at his direction.
(s) Except in emergencies, timbers and other materials not
necessary for, or not incident to, the operation of locomotives,
cutting machines, loading machines, and coal-drilling machines shall
not be transported on such equipment.
(t) Efficient self-propelled transportation shall be available on
every section for the purpose of transporting injured persons to the
(Formerly: Acts 1955, c.168, s.66.) As amended by Acts 1979,
P.L.231, SEC.17; P.L.165-1997, SEC.10.
Last modified: May 27, 2006