Man-trips; conveyor belts; operators and passengers; rules
Sec. 7. (A) Man-trips operated by means of locomotives shall be
pulled and at safe speeds consistent with the condition of roads and
type of equipment used, and shall be so controlled that they can be
stopped within the limits of visibility.
(B) Each man-trip shall be under the charge of a certified official
or other competent person designated by a certified official, and it
shall be operated independently of any loaded trip of coal or other
(C) Man-trip cars shall be maintained in safe operating condition,
and enough of them shall be provided to prevent their being
(D) Man-trip passengers shall not ride under unguarded trolley
wire unless suitable covered man-cars are used.
(E) Supplies or tools shall not be transported in the same car or
cage with men on any man-trip, except in special compartments in
such cars, and all persons shall ride inside the cars except the
motorman and brakeman.
(F) Men shall not board or leave moving man-trip cars; they shall
remain seated while in moving cars, and shall proceed in an orderly
manner to and from man-trips.
(G) A waiting station with sufficient room, ample clearance from
moving equipment, and adequate seating facilities shall be provided
where men are required to wait for man-trips or man cages, and the
men shall remain in such station until the man-trip or man cage is
ready to load. Men shall be permitted to unload from man-trips only
at man-trip stations, except that persons assigned to special duties
along haulageways, may unload at any point if clearance from
moving equipment is provided.
(H) Trolley and power wires shall be guarded effectively at
man-trip stations where there is a possibility of any person coming
in contact with energized electric wiring while boarding or leaving
the man-trip. Deenergizing switches, used in conjunction with signal
lights to indicate when such wires have been deenergized, may be
used in lieu of guards at man-trip stations.
(I) When belts are used for transporting men, the area of such
belts upon which men are riding shall be free of loose coal or rock,
and a minimum clearing of 18 inches shall be maintained between
the belt and the roof or cross bars, projecting equipment, cap pieces,
overhead cables, wiring, and other objects; but where the height of
the coal bed permits, the clearance shall be not less than 24 inches.
Control switches shall be provided at all places where men board or
leave belts regularly.
(J) The belt speed shall not exceed 250 feet a minute while men
are loading, unloading, and being transported.
(K) The space between men riding on a belt line shall be not less
than 5 feet.
(L) Adequate clearance and proper illumination shall be provided
where men board or leave conveyor belts.
(M) An official or other responsible person designated by him
shall be in attendance while men are boarding or leaving belts.
(Formerly: Acts 1955, c.168, s.67.)
Last modified: May 27, 2006