Indiana Code - Labor and Safety - Title 22, Section 22-4-15-3

Labor disputes; financing; sympathy strikes

Sec. 3. (a) An individual shall be ineligible for waiting period or
benefit rights for any week with respect to which his total or partial
or part-total unemployment is due to a labor dispute at the factory,
establishment, or other premises at which he was last employed.
(b) This section shall not apply to an individual if he has
terminated his employment, or his employment has been terminated,
with the employer involved in the labor dispute; or if the labor
dispute which caused his unemployment has terminated and any
period necessary to resume normal activities at his place of
employment has elapsed; or if all of the following conditions exist:
He is not participating in or financing or directly interested in the
labor dispute which caused his unemployment: and he does not
belong to a grade or class of workers of which, immediately before
the commencement of his unemployment, there were members
employed at the same premises as he, any of whom are participating
in or financing or directly interested in the dispute; and he has not
voluntarily stopped working, other than at the direction of his
employer, in sympathy with employees in some other establishment
or factory in which a labor dispute is in progress.
(c) If in any case separate branches of work which are commonly
conducted as separate businesses in separate premises are conducted
in separate departments of the same premises, each such department
shall, for the purpose of this section, be deemed to be a separate
factory, establishment, or other premises.
(d) Upon request of any claimant or employer involved in an issue
arising under this section, the deputy shall, and in any other case the
deputy may, refer claims of individuals with respect to whom there
is an issue of the application of this section to an administrative law
judge who shall make the initial determination with respect thereto,
in accordance with the procedure in IC 22-4-17-3.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article, an
individual shall not be ineligible for waiting period or benefit rights
under this section solely by reason of his failure or refusal to apply
for or to accept recall to work or reemployment with an employer
during the continuance of a labor dispute at the factory,
establishment, or other premises of the employer, if the individual's
last separation from the employer occurred prior to the start of the
labor dispute and was permanent or for an indefinite period.
(Formerly: Acts 1947, c.208, s.1504; Acts 1953, c.177, s.16; Acts
1971, P.L.355, SEC.37; Acts 1974, P.L.110, SEC.6.) As amended by
Acts 1980, P.L.158, SEC.7; P.L.135-1990, SEC.4.

Last modified: May 27, 2006