Filing; list of defects
Sec. 11. (a) In every action brought against a construction
professional, the claimant must file with the court and serve on the
defendant a list of known construction defects in accordance with
this section.
(b) The list of known construction defects must contain a
description of the construction that the claimant alleges to be
defective. The list of known construction defects must be filed with
the court and served on the defendant within sixty (60) days after the
commencement of the action or within such longer period as the
court in its discretion may allow.
(c) The list of known construction defects may be amended by the
claimant to identify additional construction defects as they become
known to the claimant.
(d) The list of known construction defects must specify, to the
extent known to the claimant, the construction professional
responsible for each alleged defect identified by the claimant.
(e) If a subcontractor or supplier is added as a party to an action
under this section, the party making the claim against the
subcontractor or supplier must serve on the subcontractor or supplier
the list of construction defects in accordance with this section within
sixty (60) days after service of the complaint against the
subcontractor or supplier, or within such period as the court in its
discretion may allow.
As added by P.L.134-2003, SEC.1.
Last modified: May 24, 2006