Indiana Code - Taxation - Title 6, Section 6-3.5-8-14

Expiration or rescission of tax

Sec. 14. (a) A municipal option income tax imposed by a fiscal
body under this chapter remains in effect until the earlier of:
(1) the date the tax is rescinded; or
(2) December 31, 2005.
(b) A fiscal body may rescind the municipal option income tax by
adopting an ordinance to rescind the tax after January 1 but before
June 1 of a year.
(c) A fiscal body shall hold a public hearing on the proposed
ordinance before adopting an ordinance under subsection (b). The
municipal fiscal body shall give public notice of the public hearing
under IC 5-3-1.
(d) An ordinance adopted under this section takes effect July 1 of
the year the ordinance is adopted.

As added by P.L.151-2001, SEC.6.

Last modified: May 28, 2006