Section 87H. Any person desiring to obtain a certificate of registration shall make application to the board therefor, pay to the secretary thereof a fee, as determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven and furnish to the board a certificate of a registered physician as to the freedom of the applicant from infectious and contagious diseases, and shall present himself at the next regular meeting of the board for the examination of applicants, or at a later meeting of the board if it so votes, and thereupon, if he shows that he has studied and practiced the occupation of barbering for two years as an apprentice under one or more registered barbers, or for at least six months in a properly equipped and conducted barber school or barber college under the instruction of a registered barber and eighteen months as an apprentice under a registered barber, or practiced such occupation for at least two years in this and/or other states, and that he is possessed of the requisite skill in such occupation to perform properly all the duties thereof, including the preparation of the tools, shaving, haircutting and all the duties and services incident thereto, and has sufficient knowledge concerning diseases of the face and skin to avoid the aggravation and spreading of such diseases in the practice of such occupation, the board shall issue to him a certificate of registration, signed by the chairman and the secretary and attested by its seal. Such certificate shall be evidence that the person to whom it is issued shall, subject to section eighty-seven J, be entitled to follow the practice of the occupation referred to therein.
Any applicant failing to pass an examination satisfactory to the board shall thereafter be entitled to reexamination by payment of a fee to be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven and by filing a reexamination application upon a form furnished by the board, but two reexaminations shall exhaust his privilege under his original application, and if he fails to apply for reexamination within one year after his original examination, or to appear for reexamination when notified so to do, his reexamination privilege for such original application shall be forfeited. Each such certificate of registration issued by the board shall expire on December thirty-first of the second year following the date of issue. The board may renew any such registration, and issue a certificate thereof, upon the payment of a renewal fee as determined under the aforementioned provision. Any person holding a certificate or renewal certificate which has expired may have such certificate or renewal certificate reinstated within three years of the date of expiration upon payment of a fee as determined under the aforementioned provision. If a person fails to have such certificate or renewal certificate reinstated within said three years, he shall thereafter be registered as a barber only upon application to the board for examination, accompanied by a fee as determined under the aforementioned provision. Before any registered barber opens a barber shop, or moves his barber shop to a new location, or operates a barber shop previously approved for a prior owner, he shall apply to the board for an inspection and approval thereof, and the board shall receive a fee as determined under the aforementioned provision for each inspection, and, upon the approval of such barber shop, the board shall issue a certificate of registration for such barber shop, which shall without further fee be in force, unless sooner cancelled, suspended or revoked, until June thirtieth next following the date of its issuance. All certificates of registration for barber shops shall be renewed biennially by filing applications therefor on forms supplied by the board and the payment of a fee as determined under the aforementioned provision, and such renewal shall, unless cancelled, suspended or revoked, be in full force and effect until June thirtieth of the second year following its issuance. The board may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a certificate of registration issued by it for a barber shop if it finds, after a hearing, notice of which shall be given to the owner or operator of such shop, that any of its rules and regulations have been violated in said shop, that persons not authorized to practice the occupation of barbering have been employed therein as barbers or apprentices, or that there has been a violation in said shop of any provision of sections eighty-seven F to eighty-seven R, inclusive.
Every applicant who is an alien shall first serve as an apprentice for at least two years under the supervision of a registered barber before being eligible to take the examination for a registered barber. An alien shall not be allowed to take the examination unless he presents two affidavits satisfactory to the board stating that he is at least eighteen years of age and that he has been a barber for at least two years in a foreign country. The examination shall consist of a haircut, shampoo, shave, face massage and a scalp massage.
Examination, reexamination, and renewal fees for an apprentice shall be determined annually by the commissioner of administration under the provision of section three B of chapter seven.
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