General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 119 Protection and Care of Children, and Proceedings Against Them - Section 66 Detention of child in police station; commitment to jail, house of correction or state farm

[ Text of section effective until September 18, 2013. For text effective September 18, 2013, see below.]

  Section 66. Except as otherwise provided in section sixty-seven and in section twelve of chapter one hundred and twenty, no child under seventeen years of age shall be detained by the police in a lockup, police station or house of detention pending arraignment, examination or trial by the court. No child under seventeen years of age shall be committed by the court to a jail or house of correction or to the state farm, pending further examination or trial by the court or pending any continuance of his case or, except as otherwise provided in sections fifty-two through eighty-four upon adjudication as a youthful offender.

Chapter 119: Section 66. Detention of child in police station; commitment to jail, house of correction or state farm

[ Text of section as amended by 2013, 84, Sec. 16 effective September 18, 2013. See 2013, 84, Sec. 34. For text effective until September 18, 2013, see above.]

  Section 66. Except as otherwise provided in section sixty-seven and in section twelve of chapter one hundred and twenty, no child under 18 years of age shall be detained by the police in a lockup, police station or house of detention pending arraignment, examination or trial by the court. No child under 18 years of age shall be committed by the court to a jail or house of correction or to the state farm, pending further examination or trial by the court or pending any continuance of his case or, except as otherwise provided in sections fifty-two through eighty-four upon adjudication as a youthful offender.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015