General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 12 Department of the Attorney General, and the District Attorneys - Section 3 Appearances for commonwealth, prosecution or defense; rendering of legal services; payment of expenses for representation of department of transportation

Section 3. The attorney general shall appear for the commonwealth and for state departments, officers and commissions in all suits and other civil proceedings in which the commonwealth is a party or interested, or in which the official acts and doings of said departments, officers and commissions are called in question, in all the courts of the commonwealth, except upon criminal recognizances and bail bonds, and in such suits and proceedings before any other tribunal, including the prosecution of claims of the commonwealth against the United States, when requested by the governor or by the general court or either branch thereof. All such suits and proceedings shall be prosecuted or defended by him or under his direction. Writs, summonses or other processes served upon such officers shall be forthwith transmitted by them to him. All legal services required by such departments, officers, commissions and commissioners of pilots for districts 1 to 4, inclusive, in matters relating to their official duties shall, except as otherwise provided, be rendered by the attorney general or under his direction.

The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, or any successor in interest, shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the attorney general through which the authority shall provide payment to the attorney general of all direct and indirect costs of the attorney general’s representation of the authority, and the attorney general may retain and expend such funds without further appropriation for the purpose of defraying such costs.

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Last modified: September 11, 2015